I woke up this morning and bounced out of bed for the first time in ages. With masses to do and the energy for once to do it, I put on the first load of washing, stood on my head in the deep freeze to find supper ingredients for 8 diners and then removed a small dog from one batch of washing on its way to the riding school (a chicken had shat on it all previously).
Meanwhile the girls, Anna and Daisy, had driven down to Bjørn’s house to bring back Brekki and Kappi. A friend had come over, spurred on by my offer to let Shetland folk come and have a shot at trying tölt. This is her third go at riding an Icelandic horse, I think.
Brekki is a darling Icelandic horse. He is just starting out and his heart is in the right place – he just wants to listen and learn.
Everyday, I see him change and I think he is going to be the perfect family pony for someone. Carol loved him. They looked very settled together.
Afterwards, Daisy had a quick go on Kappi. Learning to ride Kappi will help her to understand and ride Taktur better. Both horses are very similar and it is all good practice for Daisy.
And then I went all arty-farty.
And so had Anna…..
There is a standing joke here at Thordale to say to the person who is acting groom “please can you plait my horse up for me?” The usual reply is of the two fingered variety. This time we were in for a shock – Haakon’s manes quite something, though Anna bottled out of attempting anything with Iacs’ silly frilly.
So, trying not to feel jealous, I sent them on their way for a nice trek – you can see Anna donated her hair bobble to impress us with her braiding as they call it over there.
It is pleasing to see riders wearing HiVis. There are too many occasions here where riders and horses are in camouflage. Peaple have a choice, horses do not .