After feeding Taktur, we decided to let him wander round the house for a while with Klaengur while we rode the other horses.
He made himself feel quite welcome.
I say! Would you like to stop by for some tea?
Will there be biscuits?
If you insist…
I forgot to mention that my friend is here too.
BeAnne is looking forward to Flossie coming home. This is her excited face, in case you couldn’t tell.
Then we moved some fencing. This was on our to-do list left by Frances. (We also cleaned tack! Not that we’re hunting for brownie points…)
Flossie is bringing a few friends home tomorrow. Jack is not prepared for this female onslaught.
Plus Frances is returning from hospital tomorrow!
Nice to see some hospitality given to visitors! Be-Anne and Jack seemed to be polite to your guests. Good job on the fence and tack, brownie points are always needed. And this post! Glad to hear Frances is coming home.