Not Speaking to Vitamin

I’m not speaking to Vitamin.

It is going to rain all night and she won’t let me put her rainsheet on.  The one she’s worn all winter without any fuss at all.

I tried very hard to catch her but she was having none of it – too busy running away from me.

And she knew exactly what she was doing.  It was a game to her and she didn’t care.

I had put Fivla’s rug on beforehand, which actually is the more necessary as these days Fivla feels the cold and hates rain.

At one stage, I stupidly put Vitamin’s rug on the ground so I could approach the old bat without her rug.  A rookie mistake.  Albie and Waffle started “helping”.  *** sigh ***. Once I had gone back to extracate the rug from Waffle’s teeth, Vitamin was long gone.

Usually, I just put the rug on and I don’t need a headcollar to catch anyone.  The old ladies are used my routine and are very patient while I do up all the straps and buckles.

So Vitamin knew exactly what I wanted to do.

However, I did manage to drape her rug on but, nope, Vitamin was off.

And, as none of the straps were done up, the rug fell off and Vitamin galloped away bare nekkid again.

I think everyone was just in a silly mood.

And despite telling myself I would not give up because I hate giving up, I swiftly realised I was not going to win this battle and gave up.

So I went and told Fivla that I loved her most and she was happy with this.

Sometimes Vitamin can be a right old cowbag – Vitamoobag then.  Still, I thought to myself, she did move very well for an old pony of 30 – as I watched her disappear into the distance, rugless.

Topping Up

All the animals had their breakfast and were in the fields I wanted them to be in for the day, so I made a dash into town (Lerwick) for some last minute messages.  The Eurovision Song Contest is on Saturday so I need to be prepared.

I popped into Jamieson’s Knitwear and topped up the sheep field.  I was slightly disappointed to see that my “Lambie” Lamb (far right with the black blob on his back) made with the last of his fleece has not sold.  I might have to take him back.  He is special.

But the Street was busy, which was good to see.

There was a small-ish cruise ship in. Just the one, today – the M.S. Fridtjhof Nansen – a fully hybrid ship, apparently one of the most environmentally friendly ships in the world.  And lots of folk wandering around in red jackets.


I hope the visitors appreciated just how beautiful and unique Lerwick is.

And back home, by early afternoon, to make more sheep in the hope that someone might one day buy one and take it travelling too.


A little known fact – Lambie has to sit in old bonfires.  It’s his thing.

When he was younger, he did exactly the same thing but that one was still warm, so he sported a singed wool look for a while, which was a bit different.  This bonfire, hopefully, is not hot enough to do that.

But yet Lambie insists on sitting in the old bonfire.  I guess it’s because he can.  I don’t know.  I did ask him.

And Lambie seemed very happy.  OH said that maybe the bonfire was still warm but I doubt that as it we built it last week.  Daisy wrote, when I sent her the photo, and I quote “It’s as if a woolly asteroid hit the earth”.

Mummy’s little woolly asteroid it is then.

Even I think this is strange!

❤️  🐑 ☄️🌍 ❤️

Today, Some Portraits!

Some photos from my wanderings around with my iPhone on Portrait Mode, which I now love.

The Prettiest Fairy Pony in the Whole World (and, yes, I would fight you on that).


Darling Maggie


Edna in pensive mood


Edna’s daughter, Madge, who is mad as a box of frogs.  She is sporting the attached stick look. I could no more get near her to remove it than actually take flight.  She will have to live with her life choice.


Harrel-the-Barrel with his Honest-You-Should-Buy-This-Car face (and we all would. So you know, it wouldn’t come with wheels – they’re extra. He ate them!)


The luscious ‘Ster who was just too gorgeous to ignore.


Darling ‘Bert came up. plonked himself down near me and promptly went to sleep.  We will not think “beached whale”.  Just one perfect moorit (the colour) sheep is what he is.


And lastly, but by no means leastly on the sheep front, Lambie – so handsome.


Dearest Pepperpot was of course my shadow all day.


Kolka who is busy losing her winter coloured coat.  This is her Zorro look.


Iacs, who is also known as Bibble, Bible, Bubble, Bobble… or anything else autocorrect can come up with when I’m texting his owner, Daisy.


And, lastly, Haakon – Iacs’ cousin and my beloved horse.  A wise old bird.



Not much has happened today.  By choice, totally by choice.  My perfect type of day.

So here are some random photos from my phone that make me smile or feel exasperated – mostly my criteria these days for taking a pic.

Lambie has learned how to steal duck food. He squeezes through the gap in the gate and gets into the pen where the ducks/hens are fed.  So we took the food out and shut him in instead.

So, being Lambie, he made beseeching faces until we let him out.  I was trying to make him take responsibility for his choices. Stupid, I know. He is a sheep.  ‘Nuff said but how can I stay cross at that silly face.  He knows I will give in.

Meanwhile, little Pepperpot is on flying form.  She’s 3 years old now.  Who’ da thunk it?

A rather solid Monster.

He was having a nice kip on the sofa…..

….  when suddenly he wasn’t.  I tried to take a Family Photo and failed beautifully.  Pepper couldn’t sit still long enough for that.  Ted, of course, did his Winning Smile.

And into the “recording studio” for the last of the flute duet recordings.  Mandy and I quickly gave up deciding that two tunes was totally sufficient for anyone wanting to hear us play.  I mean how much torture can anyone want?

And so we went back into my shed and played our flutes all afternoon.  Mandy took this photo of Pepper and I, though she looks like I am holding her in a death-like grip!

I told you the photos were random.