Horses around the House

There is nothing better in the whole wide world that opening the front door to be met by horses.  It is better, in my opinion, than seeing the postman on your birthday!


All the horses were allowed around the house to eat the long grass.  This is a good time of year for them to have it and they like being there.  I lay in the grass yesterday evening just listening to them munching above me.  Heaven.



Some were more interested in seeing what else was about.

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We started with one who was interested, which is acceptable and nice.


Then two – he brought his friend who was hopeful.


A third popped by to see if there were potential carrots in the offing.


Then a fourth and a fifth.  By now, we were lobbing the carrots over for the ones at the back.


There was no jostling and the lads were happy investigating.  I was not very worried for my car.  I trust these boys.  They have good manners and know the rules.

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This is my idea of the best view ever.


I wasn’t allowed a horse or pony as a child. I forget why – something to do with gardens and not enough room – but now I have horses at my front door and life is perfect.


Now, to get them into the house without my OH noticing!  That shouldn’t be too difficult, really.




4 thoughts on “Horses around the House

  1. Liz Reid

    Beautiful! I often have my Shetties in the yard to clean up, they’re the greatest lawn mowers, edgers, weeders and garden fertilizers you could hope for. One of them is trained for nursing home visits.

    Love hearing about your gang.

  2. Krista

    As always, looking at your horses and your beautiful photos, makes my heart happy. Thank you for sharing!



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