Total Rest from Everything and Everyone

Do you ever have days when you just want to withdraw quietly from society?  You know, close your Facebook account and regain anonymity?


I woke up at 05.00 and went outside.  Just me, the sea-fog rolling in, the birds and OH’s garden making the effort.

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And then BeAnne turned up.


That’s all I need really. Her and me.  Some times I find the world is just too much and I want it to go away and leave me alone.  Jo calls them “ten feet away days” and she is right.


I need a drawbridge.


So, I went back to bed – the road to recovery is long but I always have canine company, so never lonely.


And, at the moment, I want to be left alone to get on with it.  It is my own fault.  I keep looking at other people’s lives and feel absolutely no affinity with anyone.  Outside is another world and I don’t feel like I belong to it or ever will, to be perfectly honest.


10 thoughts on “Total Rest from Everything and Everyone

  1. Karen

    How strange…I have had a day like that today…quite hard to do in suburbia, perhaps why I crave a move to Shetland…but….I spent the day in and out of the garden, planting seeds and preparing beds for flowers and vegetables, the seasons wait for no-one … Being alone in nature is a great solace…

    1. Nick

      I was up at 4am this morning for a dawn photoshoot with two local business owners. The mist on the lake and the clear air was just amazing, and I will be back on Thursday at the same time for some non-commercial photos. I love early mornings.

      Great photos, really reflecting your mood it seems 🙂

  2. Cate

    You describe those kinds of days, and you illustrate those feelings with your photographs, perfectly. A post I want to keep, to read over and over again.

  3. Maddi

    Beautiful photos. I’m tempted to get up at 5am tomorrow, but it is meant to rain so maybe I won’t.
    I totally understand how you feel about wanting the world to go away and leave you alone, I feel like that often, and I’m so glad I don’t live in a city because I don’t think I could cope. Living on a uni campus is great but at times when there are a lot of assignments due and exams coming up I definitely start feeling cabin fever-ish. Cooped up in my little box of a room with just my laptop and an assignment brief. My lectures are 100 yards away which is great for having lie ins but not so great when you start to feel that way.
    Maddi xx

  4. Elizabeth

    ((hugs)) You too are loved and cherished. Break days are good, we all need them on occasion. The world and its inhabitants can be hard work sometimes. xx

  5. Sam

    My mom called them “Lady jane Grey Days” – as in hshe wanted to be locked in a tower and be alone. Enjoy it, you need it. Across the pond, I too was up, thanks to 2 demanding Maine Coon cats yeowling and poking and pouncing on my bladder for breakfast. And the freaking birds were up!


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