Studio Supplies

A boring non-animal day today.  OH and I went to Lerwick with the van to collect building supplies for my studio.

A good few hours were spent measuring, cutting up and loading insulated plasterboard.

There were neat piles of the stuff in a huge builder’s yard shed and the pile we chose from was the damaged stock being sold for less than a quarter of the normal price.  A bargain not to be missed.  So we measured, cut and lugged many sheets of the damned stuff, going through a huge pile trying to find the best and least damaged sheets.

After that trial, on to the electric department for cabling and bits.

Lerwick was deserted – most shops still being shut for the Christmas, New Year, and possibly going into next Easter, holidays.

My back is agony now.  I got home, took some painkillers, clipped BeAnne onto her lead and took her for a walk along the road to try and exercise my agony away. I did not succeed.  I have my acupressure mat to lie on after supper.  That usually helps.

I tell myself it is all good moving onwards and upwards with the studio build.


7 thoughts on “Studio Supplies

  1. Sam

    Sounds like all that bending over the insulated sheets was not a grand idea. But thank about it – you will have what we all want….a shed of her own!

  2. diane in northern wis

    How exciting that you’re out picking out things for your studio. I’m sure you got much accomplished today. So sorry that your back didn’t seem to enjoy the outing. Hope you’ll be feeling much better soon.

  3. Mary C. McNamara

    I feel your pain. We unloaded 12 50# bags of wild bird see mix and whole kernel corn for the cranes. With all our snow and the cold temperatures, I want to make sure they can have something to keep up their energy.

    A belated comment on yesterdays blog : Beach walk new friends. (for some reason I don’t think the one I sent made it through). Technodinosaur strikes again!!
    I love the pic of the doggy footprints and the colorful pebbles /shells on the beach. Also am so glad BeAnne had a friend to take a nap with after her excursion. AND that the cat gave them a paws up. Such a cutie with those matching sox. Tuxedo cats are my fav.
    My hubby looked at the blog. He wants to know if those big stones with aggregate running through them are really that blue hue or was it the lighting? He says we need to make a trip to your beach, he would like to make cabochons (sp?) from some of your beach pebbles. I can just see customs now. What do you have in the bag? rocks sir. Sure, please step over here .;-)

    Thanks again for the beautiful pics.
    I hope you get some relief and sleep tonight.

      1. Terri

        Aha, I wondered what breed of dog would make tracks like those (and the gait) — thanks for clarifying! Glad your studio is coming along — hope your back feels better soon, take care.

  4. Linda Loba

    That is very exciting about your studio moving forward – not so much about your back.
    I do know from experience, that standing around like you probably did while collecting supplies (especially on a cement floor) will take a toll on one’s back/feet/legs … I hope you’re feeling better today.


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