Naughty Waffle and Taylor Swift

Yesterday, I received an email saying that Waffle had jumped unsuccessfully over the fence of his field.  He wanted to talk to some riders passing by but instead managed to get his left hind leg caught and hanged himself instead.  He was unravelled and returned to his field.

Yesterday, when we visited, Waffle didn’t mention any and seemed fine.

Today, Daisy checked him over thoroughly – all legs were checked.


And Waffle checked Daisy over thoroughly too and said he was feeling a little stiff today.


Everyone was given a talking to about fences.


Even Vitamin, who was very busy.


She had been perfecting her “Look”.


(she is very beautiful).


So we told them all to go away (well, perhaps not those precise words) and to stop fence wrecking because it is very, very boring.


They all scampered away, except for Vitamin.


Is it just me, or don’t you think she looks just like Taylor Swift?  Or is it the other way round?


Can you not see the similarities?  Uncanny.


Anywho, Daisy and I built a real working electric fence.


And a fake one which can be altered and made to be more electrifying, if necessary.


There will be no more jumping.


Back tomorrow with signs to staple onto the fence posts so that people of Sandness don’t electrocute themselves.


They may be sisters – Vitamin and Taylor!  Who knew?

Just sayin’


9 thoughts on “Naughty Waffle and Taylor Swift

  1. Cate

    This may or may not be pertinent: I just saw a headline describing Taylor Swift as “an Art Deco dream.”

    *staring at Vitamin again*

  2. Ray Dunkley

    is there a stupid rule that states electric fences have to be 1mtr on your land so public cannot reach them ?

  3. Linda

    I’m SO glad Waffle is ok! (Your words were “he hanged himself instead” and you definitely ad me scared for a moment…)

    And Vitamin is WAY WAY prettier than Taylor Swift!

  4. pat

    Do you pronounce Vitamin like “bit-amin” or (as we would on this side of the pond) “bite-a-min?”

    In either case, she’s a beauty, and obviously a sweetie.
    And she’s LOTS prettier than TS. Probably sings better too.

    Hope you’re doing well



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