Muchly Loved

The Old Men are on a well-earned rest now.

They are in a new field and I saw them briefly on the horizon this morning.

This afternoon, Daisy and I went to “do”, ie trim and rasp, feet.  Today was Lilja and Albie’s turn.  Newt supervised.

Everyone was very chatty.

As a reward for our efforts, we spent some time in the field with everyone.

Sóley was very keen to talk, which is odd as she has always been an aloof young lady.  It is like a switch has been turned on in her brain and now she thinks people are wonderful.

Before she wouldn’t give me the time of day.

Today it was “me, me, love me”.

As I said, most odd.

Tiddles of course would give me the world. I only have to ask.

Big Sis was there.

In that pile of ponies I am sure I left Daisy.

She appears to have been swallowed whole.

I eventually dug her out and we went home feeling much loved and appreciated.

4 thoughts on “Muchly Loved

  1. Sam

    Seems like Soley has found her grownup voice, how nice for you! As for the Minion Puddle, that is something, some day, i’d like to try.

  2. Suzanne Kelly

    Here we are towards the end of summer, and here are your gorgeous ponies enjoying themselves; it is a great thing to see this. All the best.

    1. Judi

      end of summer? – oh yes – and as you go into Autumn colours it is our ‘first of spring’ here in Australia – Wattle Day – our national flower’s day for everyone, without politics or division, nice concepts these days.

      Frances it’s lovely that Soley has decided to try being a pocket pony instead of a Greta Garbo – it’s so good seeing them all here.


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