It was one of those zip-a-dee-doo-dah days!

The bad weather stopped and the sun shone today, so BeAnne and I popped over to Sandness to help muck out the stables. They had housed the Icelandic herd plus the two elderly Shetlands, Vitamin and Delia.  Delia seems to have turned a small corner and is eating better.  We rasped her teeth again a few days ago and I think that has helped her.


Jo put her two raptors out for the day too.  This one had just had a bath so was drying her feathers.


and this one took one look at BeAnne and screamed like a fish-wife!


After mucking out, I went home and, en route, saw the hill ponies on the open scattald (common grazing).  With the sunlight behind them, they looked beautiful.

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I managed a quick ride on Haakon in the afternoon.  We plodded to Watsness and back.  He never broke stride and I kept my hands in my pockets as I had forgotten my gloves.  BeAnne pottered along too.


Storm’s rug is off while it is dry. I have decided my rule of thumb is that if I am cold enough to wear my Icelandic jersey outside, then he gets his light-weight rug on.  If it is cold enough for me to wear my survival suit outside, then he gets his heavy-weight rug on. I don’t want him to be permanently rugged up so I spent some time this afternoon, fluffing them all up, particularly Storm, to get his coat working as nature intended.


So a perfect day, playing horses and ponies.


I am not a fan, however, of the winter nights drawing in so early.  This is not even 15.00.


2 thoughts on “It was one of those zip-a-dee-doo-dah days!

  1. Cate

    What a beautiful shot of Her Maj—she looks just about to speak! And the three minions together in sunshiny fluffiness, that’s pure gold.

  2. Linda K

    Yes, a lovely photo of BeaAnn. She has a kind and loving expresson, I think.
    Haakon always looks quite majestic. The three amigos are quite fierce! “Whatcha lookin at?”


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