Hjalti Milestone

This was yesterday.  A training milestone for Hjalti.

Iacs was brought in for moral support.

He took his job very seriously.


Firstly, Daisy and Hjalti went over a few basics in the indoor school.

Walk, trot and halt.

With some steering.

And then we went outside.

We had originally planned to go to the end of the track and home.

But as Hjalti was such a good boy – all interested but listening – we kept going.

Down the long and windy road (ok, this bit is straight but it winds later on).

I led Iacs so Hjalti didn’t feel he was alone in the Big Bad World.

We got as far as the first passing place, which is a good distance along entirely new territory for Hjalti.

And then we turned around to go home.  On our travels we met one car.  Daisy and Hjalti parked in a field gate entrance with me and Iacs between him and the car.  I signalled to the car to go about as slowly as it could and, luckily, the driver completely understood and crept passed (thank you to whoever you are.  I may actually ❤️ you and your comprehension of the situation).  Afterwards we shovelled carrots into Hjalti for being a good boy and yes, Iacs had his fair share for just, well, being there.

We pottered calmly home again.

So, well done Hjalti and Daisy (and possibly Iacs).

Hjalti was a very good boy and next time we shall go further.  Going outside, ridden, is a huge milestone in Hjalti’s training.

I might ride Iacs next time, though.

6 thoughts on “Hjalti Milestone

  1. Kerry

    The worse pony experience I ever had was riding down off Dartmoor. An impatient tourist in a car sat right on my lad’s tail causing him (and me) to bolt. I eventually fell off into a hedge after a full length gallop. The driver sat on the tail throughout before driving off!
    Wide and slow or stop should be taught to every driver

    So glad your dear chap had a wonderful debut: he’s amazing

  2. Linda Loba

    A big GOOD BOY to Hjalti!! (But really, you deserve some kudos yourselves – calm, loving, “parents” help toward calm, loving – and cooperative, trusting – animals)

  3. Sherry Walter

    Oh, how exciting. I’ve only ever started two youngsters – one was my best boy I had for 27 years – and I well know that exhilarating feeling of that first time.


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