Day in the Shed

I am frozen and have come inside to write the blog and warm up a bit (I currently have my feet on a hot water bottle trying to thaw).

And the reason? I am having an “Open Weekend” selling all my and Kolka’s stuff to raise funds for well, everyone, I guess.  Daisy helped me last weekend to go through every shed sorting out what she wanted, what I might want and all the rest can go.

There was a lot more equipment, rugs, etc when we started but folk have been popping by all week and buying things. No one has left empty handied, which is good.

So, I rushed my chores and then made myself a place to sit/work while waiting for folk to turn up.

I took my felting kit and made two sheep during the day.

This was my view all day.   I needed to keep the shed doors open so I could see anyone coming down the track.

Obviously I had company.

Monster popped by too ….. a few times.

And Pepper Pot.

It has definitely been worth doing. As well as Kolka, I had far too much stuff that I never used.  Time for it to go and money will be helpful.

And, apart from the cold, I am enjoying seeing folk and making some space while getting rid of things I never use.

5 thoughts on “Day in the Shed

  1. Mandy

    Could you let me know how much sheep are ( needlefelted). I know several people who I might want to give one to. Mandy.

  2. Suzanne Kelly

    Good on you. A bit of downsizing is always good if only I could bring myself to do it.

    I do love your Sheeple. I have one sitting on my mantle piece along with a cute little black crow you made for me.

    I think my sheep will might be a bit lonely. I may email you later. I’m thinking I would love a sheeple that looks like Lambie if such a thing were possible, I should love to have one. Hope you are warmed up now. It’s even cold down here in East Sussex if that’s of any help.

  3. Sharon

    I’m so glad you had a successful ‘Open Weekend’ sale. I loved the picture captioned “Monster showed up”! I laughed again looking at it just now. That’s Monster! Just checking in to see what’s going on, just in case he’s needed. I also loved the pictures of Pepper and of the ducks.


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