A Visitor

Today we had a visitor so once I had collected her from the bus, I dragged her round to meet the Minions.

The Minions love new people and are always very keen on their close-ups.

Perhaps a bit too keen.

Kisses were duly requested, distributed and accepted.

Obviously the #shetlandponiesinsweaters were introduced.  First Fivla.

And then Vitamin.  Both love meeting their fans.  Never a chore, always a pleasure.

We quickly checked the Icelandic laydees and then headed off home for a quick cup of tea.  Out again, and first up, of course, was Hjalti.

My visitor had admitted to being Taktur’s biggest fan and so he duly looked interested and beautiful.

Taktur was doing well until his son tried to get in on the act.

Words were said.

Hjalti is ever the photo-bomber!

The three youngsters were like a Hydra or Cerberus.  I have yet to decide.

Everyone said hello and I felt very proud of them all.

My visitor was staying for the day and, as an avid blog reader, she offered to come on my physio walk.

Obviously, we had company of the woolly and furry variety.

And everyone was on their best behaviour.

We all enjoyed meeting our visitor and I hope she enjoyed her day out.



8 thoughts on “A Visitor

  1. Sam

    What a truly lucky blog reader! To kiss and be kissed by Minions, admire lovely ladies, see a living Hydra and Takur up close! But then get a physio walk with Sheeples?? Magical day for sure.
    Of course be jealous of needing to wear layers when Connecticut has an Excessive Heat Warning today and tomorrow might factor in…

  2. Mary C. McNamara

    So glad my friend Celeste got to visit. She was really looking forward to it. I am abit jealous. BUT she did get pics. I would have loved the sheeple accompanied walk.
    Maybe some day …. but I am not much of a traveler.
    Her critters are doing fine, but miss her. I am enjoying her sheep and her special duck Ranger 😉

  3. Margaret Robinson

    Perhaps you should think about offering a walking trip to see everyone to the blog readers in general. We could all meet at your house, have a cup of coffee/tea, go out and see everyone and come back for some sweets. It won’t be quite the same as our wonderful meal with you, but think of all the people you and “family” would meet!

  4. diane in northern wis

    What a fun day for your visitor! Wish I lived closer or could travel over your way…I would really enjoy that! You are so sweet and hospitable…along with all your four legged friends too! What a great visit!

  5. Christina McClure

    What great pix and gorgeous animals. I know Celeste enjoyed herself immensely….who wouldn’t? Thank you for your wonderful sharings and your great critters. They look like so much fun.


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