Winter Woollies

Like I said previously, everyone has now been moved to their Autumn fields.

The mares and their foals are “taking the top off” Clothie, my 5 acre croft that is a 50 yards across the hill from home.

They seem to have quickly settled there.  The pregnant mothers were in Clothie when they came home this Spring before they were moved down to the Antenatal Unit where they remained because it suited everyone fine.

We easily caught the Brá and Hetja, and their foals Dreki and Lilja followed happily along too.  We walked quietly over the hill with no distractions, waiting for the little ones to catch up and not drift off, and through wide open gates into the field.

Yesterday afternoon, I did my usual thing of sitting on a rock and waiting.  Dreki came and stood behind me.

Of the two foals, he is slightly blacker in colour.

It didn’t take long before Lilja brought herself over for a chat.  She is the nosiest foal alive.

They are two very funny little friends.

They make me smile whenever I spend time with them.  I always wonder if Taktur was like this as a foal.  Did he have the same silly-billy idiotic but vaguely optimistic face?  I hope so.

The foals will both be staying with their Mums this winter.  They are both growing their thick winter woollies.

This is Lilja’s lady chest!

And this is me trying to take a selfie with Dreki.

So, I sat on my rock (a dry if cold bottom, please) admiring my view.

Best view there is, in my opinion.

4 thoughts on “Winter Woollies

  1. Louise Stopford

    The foals are absolutely adorable. Glad they will be staying with their mothers over the winter. I often wonder what plans you have for them in the future.? The photo’s, as usual, are outstanding.


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