
I will leave this here. I am so fed up. It is too much. I could whinge but I won’t (a little one – my coat collar slapped me in the face and made me cry). The animals are doing fine. I am not (sciatica).  Floss is a total brick. ❤️

Today for the first time ever, I felt like selling up, animals and all, and moving south.


17 thoughts on “Weather

  1. Dona Snow

    Go back to bed with a good book and some whisky. Tomorrow will be a new, better day.
    Take care of yourself first today,

  2. Sam

    We all have says when we want to run away. That is when you go inside, make your favorite drink, grab a dog or cat and watch bad movies. Plus February has crappy weather for most of us. Little Miss Maine Coon send deep throaty purrs.

  3. June

    Can empathise fully Frances – everything seems so much harder, the shitty weather is taking its toll and coat collars fekin hurt when they whip across your cheek! Hang on, you are strong, resilient, things will get better and the sun will shine – big big hug for you and yours xx

  4. Cathy

    You’re probably still emotionally fragile … so soon after losing your Mum, pain from sciatica, and totally crap weather. I do sympathise, I want my money back ! So far my trial period for 2022 has been absolutely rubbish.
    Thank goodness for Floss ! Now get to a nice warm bed, with whisky and a dog or two. Look after yourself and see how you feel tomorrow.

  5. jacqueline slavich

    Nothing I can add, everyone has already said it. Sometimes you’re the pigeon, often you’re the statue. Rain comes and things get better. Honoured you feel you can be honest with us.

  6. Judith Garbutt

    Everything is so bleak when there are days of endless wind, rain, sleet and snow. And being in continuous pain doesn’t help. Lots of sympathy and cyber hugs for you and Flossy. The forecast doesn’t look much better for the next few days. I just hope the wind drops – much less stressful when it’s calm even if it’s still cold. Fingers crossed that you feel even a little bit better tomorrow!

  7. Linda Kirk

    Hang in there, Spring is just round the corner. You can get through this. Gin and cheesy whatsits would be my tip, plus rest when you can.

    Take care xx

  8. Nancy

    Book and an adult beverage — snugged up. Cheers to Floss for persisting when times get challenging. February is tough – lots of hugs and empathy for the team. Lambie’s winning smile always cheers me up!

  9. Sherry Walter

    Oh good Lord, that looks absolutely awful. Those are the days I call ‘condo’ days, as in why don’t I live in a condo in town.

  10. diane in northern wis

    Oh it looks awful….could blow you sideways! What a video. Take care and don’t lose heart….the sun will come again one day!

  11. Louise Helen Whyte

    empathise as i saw the chiropractor yesterday and today moved awkwardly and put it out so can’t straighten at the moment. Hang in there

  12. Shelley

    Even Paradise has it’s bad days. Whinge as much as you like Frances. I’m with Cathy – sometimes there are just too many rotten circumstances to bear. I’m sure you’ll take all the healing advice: gin, dogs, movies and your pain pad.


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