Firstly an update on Vitamin. She is eating enthusiastically a new green sludge (grassibix) as well as soaked sugar beet. They get this twice a day in huge quantities. Floss and I are lugging buckets to their field and the old ladies trot after us. They also have very brown muzzles too from the lick bucket which is going down fast!
As it is blowing a gale (gusting Force 10) all today and tomorrow, I have postponed the vet visit as I didn’t consider it safe to drive the girls or to try and have teeth rasped standing in a lay-by on the road. We will go on Thursday morning first thing, when there is a lull.
Meanwhile, the Minions are lost. They miss their old ladies hugely. They don’t know what to do with themselves.
They all followed me down to their new opened-up paddock that I had been saving but refused to eat there following me back to the gate again.
The water buckets were dry, so Floss had filled them both up and the ponies were evidently thirsty.
So I immediately felt very guilty.
If the ladies had been there, they would’ve taken everyone to the loch, that has lovely fresh water. It is not rocket science. They know their field very well.
We have obviously taken away the brains of the herd.
So we returned this afternoon with more water just in case the buckets had been drunk dry. They hadn’t but it was good to know there is more if they want it.
I love the photos of their fuzzy bottoms
So happy Vitamin is eating! So sad the Band of Wee Men are lost without their Lady Leaders. Seems males of all kinds really do need the practical female to show them what to do. Stay safe in the winds. We will have 2″ of snow tomorrow in New England and then a 40degree warm up.
They’re so sweet. They obviously thought that if they followed you there night be nore carrots or other treats!
Hoping that the Brains of the Herd will be all better soon!