Unknown Bright Thing in the Sky

There was a weird thing in the sky today. We have no idea what it was.  Still, the horses liked it and everyone rested.

Who knows, the bright thing in the sky might dry up some of the wet paddocks as well as make the green stuff on the ground grow.  I am hopeful.  Stupid, but hopeful.

I think today was what is known in Shetland as a day “between weathers”.

After feeding haynets, carrots, checking Minions, doing buckets, filling more haynets, etc and even tidying up the feedshed (I know, who am I?), I saw the sheep all soaking up the sunshine out of the wind so I sat down beside Harrel-the-Barrel to enjoy it too.

I told him to budge up as I didn’t want to sit in the dirt.

He duly budged and Maggie came to chat, which was lovely. We had some real quality time together.

Always before, Maggie has been a bit nervous and on her guard.  Today was different. We had progress.  This is definitely the way forward. No more the scared hill sheep who just wanted food. A different sheep now. My girl.

And the unknown bright thing in the sky left us quite late in the afternoon.  The days are getting longer.  Yes!



6 thoughts on “Unknown Bright Thing in the Sky

  1. Sam

    You had a False Spring! Full sun, less wind, more warm – all to lull us into fake hopes…but I’ll take them!
    Now – how lovely is it to see Maggie being bold and enjoying a good head scratching. WOW! You worked your magic again. Now if only a certain small pup would listen about leaving the dusters alone..

  2. Celeste

    Aw, Maggie loves you – and trusts you. It warms my heart to see her snuggling with you. I can’t think of anything better to do than sit outside with your four-leggeds. Matter of fact, I’m headed out to my barnyard to do the same.

  3. Claire

    Wonderful post. I haves loved sheep and ponies since I was a girl on the farm. I wish I had animals now, but they are a lot of work. Beautiful sunset.


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