Ugh, Dentist

Apparently (I had forgotten), Daisy and I had a dentist appointment this morning.  I could’ve done without that, to be honest, as I am still exhausted from yesterday. I feel utterly drained.

But, I went, I lay on the couch, was scraped at and it was all very unpleasant.

Afterwards, we went to the street to get some messages.  There was a huge cruise ship berthed in the Bressay Sound – Norwegian Jade – 294 metres long, carrying a maximum of 3,590 passengers.

This is her next to the Bressay ferry – a somewhat smaller vessel of 32 metres, carrying 80 passengers; 20 cars or approximately 100 tonnes!  She looks like a rowing boat by comparison.

Anywho, the Street was thick with visitors swarming by taking photos while looking interested in the shops.

Afterwards, feeling even more exhausted, Daisy drove us home and en route we went over to check everyone.  Madame has learned how to lean over the fence to get more grass despite having another field next door full of the stuff.  I shouted at her – this is her “what-me?” face!

Note how Waffle is also by the fence possibly blagging sandwiches from passers-by.

I give up!


4 thoughts on “Ugh, Dentist

  1. Sam

    Dentists are a necessary evil. Cruise ships are just wrong. But I had a good chuckle over “Who? Me?” look on Missy’s face. And Waffle is not stupid, beg a sandwich can be easier than grazing with the gang.

  2. Mairead

    Those cruise ships are so big they’re obscene. And obviously if sandwiches need blagging Waffle’s the pony to do it!

  3. Linda Loba

    You have my full commiseration – I don’t even like to drive into anything resembling a city, let alone going through all the travel hoops you went through for a dentist appointment!

    P.S. On the plus side, you have such a beautiful “group” to welcome you home!

    P.S.S. I LOVE those photos of BeAnn & Monster together… 🙂

    1. Carol Espinosa

      Hee hee, I think some good old friends of ours were on that behemoth! We just saw pictures of their trip to Mousa. I wish I’d known in advance that they were going — candy express!

      It’s lovely seeing BeAnne and her Monster snuggled up. He sure lucked his way into Heaven!


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