To Town, To Not Panic Buy!

I needed to go to town to get some more hay. We are getting through it very quickly this time of year.  One day when the grass grows, we can stop but until then everyone just eats and eats and eats……

It was a lovely day in town and the place was empty – could be the threat of Coronavirus (6 people so far with it) or the norm.  Floss and I went in our usual animal-mucking-out clothes looking fairly filthy with the theory that no one would come near us as we probably smelled of horses!  We were given a wide berth which was good.  Mission achieved.

We did, however, pop into Jamieson’s of Shetland to see if my field of sheeple needed refreshing.  There is a cruise ship in tomorrow.

Their lovely wall of colour. I could almost knit.  Almost – actually let’s be honest, that’s never going to happen.

Beautiful Fair Isle sweaters and cardigans.

Their rugs are lovely too.

Then off to “the chocolate shop” (Mirrie Dancers) – where displayed was an amazing chocolate Viking longship in the window left over from Up Helly Aa.

We had lunch in our usual spot looking at a pretty good view.

Lerwick in winter is very atmospheric – it was just about to pour with rain.

And lastly on our list, we went to Tesco to be greeted with empty shelves though the staff were absolutely trying their very best and stocking up the loo roll as fast as it left the shelves.  We stocked up on gin, tonic, lemon – really the essentials!

13 thoughts on “To Town, To Not Panic Buy!

  1. Sam

    I just don’t understand the run on loo paper. It is not like Covid19 causes the trots. In my house the essentials are cat food, cat litter (indoor only, coyotes outside), chocolate pudding, soup and chocolate bars. Wine is already on hand.

  2. Margaret Robinson

    See……’re really the smart ones. Toilet paper be da……..d. It’s the Gin, Tonic and Lemons that are most important for survival!

    Someday I’m going to get a Fair Isle sweater. They’re most beautiful.

  3. Joe Boyd

    There may soon be a run on laxatives. People will have to do something to use up that 100-year supply of toilet (loo) paper they have hoarded.

    1. Robin Schwartz

      Someone pointed out that the sale of baked beans has gone WAY up. So the loo rolls may be a good idea. lol

  4. M in NC

    I was hoping that that your location would give you some shelter from the C-19, but with normal travel (air) and then a Cruise Ship (at this time of year?), that could put you well into the path. Good to hear that all is well at Thordale and that the equines have stocked up on the essentials as well as yourself.

    I was at the dentist yesterday and the hygienist mentioned TP also. I had been to a store before work , but told her that was not on my list and had not noticed. Didn’t go down that aisle actually. However living with a senior citizen my normal cleaning supplies list has been impacted because of the run on sanitizing wipes. I just hope manufacturing catches up with the demand.

    Lovely pictures , especially the yarn and the sweaters. I too would like a Fair Isle sweater someday :).
    Keep us posted on the ducky-wuckies, Soley and her journey into weanling-hood. It’s the normal-day homey-type stories that keep us sane.

    M in NC

  5. Robin Schwartz

    Gin, tonic and lemon. The three main food groups. (We just got a nice bottle of 14 year old Glenfiddich, or was it Glenlivet? I’ll think about toilet paper later. lol)


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