To the Vet, Again

As you may, or may not, know, OH and I have been umming and aahing about Monster and his lack of appetite.  This has been a very slow decline but now is noticeable.

So, today Monster finally went to see the vet.

First Monster was weighed and he has not lost weight, so that’s good.  I was beginning to think I could see less of him and, as I said to the vet, Monster never refuses a meal and loves eating so this behaviour is not normal for him.

6.5kg Monster, that’s quite a big cat, just sayin’.

But no one mentioned anything about being over-weight so we’ll leave that there.  Not even the vet and he would’ve said.

The diagnosis was that Monster has gingivitis and needs his teeth cleaned.  We were given some antibiotics to clear up any infection (his gums were not pretty) and an appointment was made for next week for “a dental” and I also want him to have a chest x-ray for his asthma.

Monster was very good about everything

Even to the point of climbing back into his travel basket unasked once finished with (and it was quite the fight to get him in on the way there).

So, we’re all home now and I gave Monster his antibiotics (first blood was drawn on OH who was holding him) and I can see the next few days are going to be fun while we continue the course.

Pepper felt very left out.

10 thoughts on “To the Vet, Again

  1. Judy Shank

    Daughter #2 lives in Colorado where their highest Rocky Mountains are over 14,000 feet: There are seven in the state. Except, Megan’s tomcat is big, beautiful & sweet. We now say that Colorado has eight Fourteeners ( Colorado’s term) due to Ashe’s healthy heft. Megan reminds us that he has a Florida cousin of the same girth. ;-}

  2. May

    Hope Monster feels better soon.
    (If he’s taking a pill, you might look at crushing or dissolving it into food. Avoiding grouchy cat nips with tuna juice is a good thing.)

  3. Judith

    It’s a good thing the root – or rather the gum – of the problem has been found. Poor old Monster! Hope he gets well soon.

  4. Sam

    Having tried to pill many cats, disguise is the best way. Be aware they will hide the pill in the side of their mouth and spit it out 5 minutes after the ordeal. Crushing into yummies is best but no yogurt (probiotics cancel antibiotics). Next time, wait till he is sleepy, wrap him like a burrito and then pill.

  5. Beth

    Good luck with the pills, and with the dental next week.

    (any chance of liquid antibiotics instead, sometimes easier to squirt a syringe down their throats?)

  6. Alexa Berenbak

    Poor Monster! Hope he does better soon. Google “stomatitis” in cats. Or ask your vet to check on it. I had 3 cats with stomatitis. They get red sore ulcered gums & it’s quite painful for them. They will quit grooming themselves, sleep more. It’s not contagious – but no explanation why 3 of mine got it. The cure in USA at least was a special dental vet pulled teeth, all but canines. Painful very expensive process but had 60% cure rate so I tried it several years ago. I’m not a vet by any means, but Monster’s gums made me think stomatitis. Hugs to your Monster cat! Hugs to you as well.

  7. Celeste

    Seems like my cats frequently need dental work – and it’s very pricey. But I do it cuz I love them. Hope it goes well with Monster and he’s back to being his mooching self soon!

  8. darby callahan

    Hope Monster is feeling better. and good luck with giving him his pills. Cats are not the most cooperative.

  9. Colleen

    So glad you all might have found the root of the problem. Yep sore gums might contribute to not wanting to chew. I feel for all of you about antibiotic pills. Pink liquid amoxicillin is easier to deal with. Wrap him in a towel like a burrito 😉 Hope all is well, he ought to feel better after he heals from his “prophy”. I know it is pricey but we all want what is best for our “fur babies”


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