I will start with this photo, just because it is lovely – Pepper and Monster having a chat, ie Pepper wants to sit on my lap but Monster has already got there first and is not budging.
Anyway, we all went for a walk over to Clothie – my five acre croft across the scattald (open hill). When I say “all”, Ted didn’t come too because he was busy with OH doing something useful, I think. I gave up asking Ted.
Anyway, I had an intrepid explorer.
While Monster and Pepper were busy hunting, I was photographing the emerging spring flowers.
Cat’s Ear – how apt!
Tormentil, I think.
Cuckooflower or Lady’s Smock (one of my favourites)
I have no idea what this weed is. I looked it up and the internet said “Duckweed” but then it said none grows in Shetland so I am none the wiser. It looks like Mind-your-own-business ( Soleirolia soleirolii) but that’s not a water plant. Anyone? Help, please.
And then there is the very creepy bubbling pond weed. That was a little weird, even by my standards and there was lots of it all in the stagnant ditches. It looked like a science experiment in a horror movie.
Red Campion which is never red and always very pink.
Spring Squill
And then we walked home.
If I have given out wrong flower species information, please correct me. I hate false information on the internet.
I get “bubbling pondweed” in my tiny wildlife pond. I think it is insects hatching from eggs on pondweed, but I’m not sure. Lovely flower pictures! Lady’s smock is one of my favourites too,
Love Love Love your Spring flowers
You have such a lot of interesting flowers but I agree, those bubbles are weird!!
The floating weed looks a bit like azolla, and the bubbling stuff may be frog activity – spawn hatching etc! Hope that helps! We are heading into winter here in NE Victoria (Australia), I’ve been enjoying the ambiance of the combustion stove warming the whole of the house! The next colourful thing in the landscape of the bush will be fungi….Love the wildflowers!
I have downloaded the most useful Google Lens to my phone. You can take a picture of most anything and it will find an answer. I use it mostly for flowers and plants – picture a 71 yr old woman scrambling in the ditch snapping pics of weeds!
Thanks for sharing. I am in awe of the ground that Monster covers. Not to be left out 😉
I am sorry to have to report that his look alike SW cousin ” White Cat” died on Mother’s Day , May 12th. He had a gentle passing. Had a good breakfast. then went into Gilbert’s closet and fell asleep. He was with us 13 yrs. but someone had moved and left him so he was a barn cat until we invited him into the house of luxury. Also he was probably 5 or 6 yrs when he adopted us. Still there is a hole in our hearts. His two companions; neutered pesty little brother and little sister (also both feral barn rescues ) . They miss him and there is still lots of talking.
I think the plant is a Callitriche, maybe stagnalis.
I love all your beautiful Spring flowers. Thank you for the pics…..except for the weird bubbly stuff!!!