The First Primroses

I have been wondering if the wild primroses that grow on either side of the burn (stream) which runs through the fields are blooming yet.

And they are just beginning!

Happy days indeed.

This is one of my favourite spots.

And, yes, of course, Maggie came too because she has to go everywhere I go.  We seem to be attached.  Possibly forever.

I love the primroses.

The ultimate sign that Spring is now well and truly springing.

We had a false start, and then those dreadful blizzards, but I am convinced we are back on track again.  The days are warmer.

This also means we will soon be meeting whoever Maggie is cooking.  My money is on a little black lamb (a boy).  Oooh!

‘Bert and ‘Ster were around too.  Happily eating.

‘Ster came to talk to me.

He is so handsome.

Both sides.

I left Maggie with the boys, hopeful she would stay with them.  I would love her to be a sheep rather than someone-attached-to-a-person.

Yup, she followed me home!

6 thoughts on “The First Primroses

  1. Sam

    I too, have the leaves of my primroses greening up. Mine are maroon with yellow centers. As for Maggie, you rescued her and she knows it. You can handle a lamb birth and she knows it. You have carrots and other yummies and she know it. You love her and she knows that to be true. Hard to say who is luckier -Maggie or you.

  2. Mary Colleen McNamara

    Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep,
    And can’t tell where to find them;
    Leave them alone, and they’ll come home,
    Wagging their tails behind them.

    I think this is a nursery rhyme ???
    But I can’t remember all of it.
    So glad Maggie has you, maybe it is hormones and she needs some mothering or a friend right now.
    When the little one drops she might change her behavior ( probably not, but hope springs eternal)
    Glad you are there for her.

  3. Judith Garbutt

    The primroses are lovely. My favourites, however, are cowslips. Perhaps some will appear in your photographs soon?

  4. diane in northern wis

    So many beautiful yellow flowers around your place. Looks very springy! I hope Maggie makes a great mama for her baby coming soon! Yes Ster looks handsome from both sides. Do you suppose he is related to mon-ster?


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