Sunscreen On Noseys

Yesterday, when we were “doing feet”, I noticed some of the Minions with white bits were looking a bit sunburnt and frazzled.

So, today, when I was checking the Minions, I brought the sunscreen with me.

“Filtabac – a protective barrier antibacterial cream.  A complete protective antibacterial, sunblock cream that acts as a totally natural second skin”

I caught the two (Tiddles and Storm) who suffer terribly in the sun and duly smeared it on their noseys.

I should’ve done it sooner but it was a case of “does anyone know where the sunscreen is?” and then it was always in the wrong car.

The minute Storm saw me massaging sunscreen on Tiddles’ nose, he was off. Oh yes. So I lured him with a carrot, put on his headcollar and then smeared the gloop onto his nosey too.  Everyone looked much better afterwards.

Albie, of course, was deperate to have some too.

He has a teensy-tinesy little white spot on his nosey which he swears will burn to a crisp. I duly applied and he was happy.

No one else needed sunscreen. They never do but they liked the idea of the carrots I had brought with me.

And then I thought I would sit with them for a while for hugs and perhaps I could take photos with my new camera (these are my ancient iPhone).  But no – my hands were covered in sunscreen and it is very persistent!

Afterwards, I sat with them for a while and Storm rubbed his nose covering off on my coat!  Why I bother.

4 thoughts on “Sunscreen On Noseys

  1. Sam

    Storm needs a talking to about skin cancers! Love how Albie NEEDS to be part of the action when Muzzah is concerned. Still, lovely nosey shots.


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