Storm Update

Storm and Newt burst out of their stable this morning full of energy, leaving behind a stable full of poo. OH said while he kindly mucked out that he didn’t think two little ponies could produce so much!

So today has been similar. Painkillers, small meals, regular and often and a 5 minutes trot every two hours all day.

They are living around the house and the weather is pretty mean so, as advised by the vet, I put a rain-sheet on Storm. I thought it fitted quite well but when I looked again, I realised it was a tad snug!

I took it off before another trot around the shed and replaced it with something bigger, and thicker.

I saw Storm yawn while I was deliberating whether to give him a rest, so I bundled him into the school and trotted him around instead. He produced this lovely poo and looked happier. I didn’t put the rug back on as the temperature outside was going up.

The sheep hate me because Storm and Newt love to chase them. They think it’s funny watching them scatter. I put the sheep in their paddock out of harm’s way.

But Storm is feeling and looking much better which is all I want. Newt is a great companion. He jostles Storm along and annoys him into getting better. I am followed everywhere by everyone.

So fingers and toes crossed, we are out of this terrible scare.  My nerves are shreds, my back is aching and I have never walked so far after two Shetland ponies trying to get them to trot (they hide behind my van!)



15 thoughts on “Storm Update

  1. Sam

    Grand news – POO! Glad Newt is helping Storm to recover, rug or not. (Storm is really cute the in 2nd rug).
    Sorry the Sheep are not happy with the new neighbors, but you got poo!

  2. Julia in California

    What a relief! I was worried all day yester about little Storm. He must be absolutely thrilled to have his rug back! If I remember correctly, Storm luffs a rug!

    Still sending healing vibes for your special little soldier and keeping you all in my thoughts!

  3. Judith Garbutt

    Sounds like Storm is well on the way to a full recovery. Well done, Frances! Fingers still crossed, of course!

  4. Rebecca Final

    Dear Frances – isn’t it silly how excited we can get from a healthy poo? So happy Storm seems to be on the mend. And don’t you feel like you are playing “musical animals” all day long? it sure looks like it. You are a good critter momma. (Here in the US, a “critter” is a small animal.)

  5. Christine

    I’m thinking of all the people around the world who are happy and relieved to see a picture of Storm’s poo 🙂 American Thanksgiving is tomorrow, so it’s one more thing to be thankful for. I hope you’ll both feel much better in a few days.

  6. Claire

    You still have the shells I sent you on the windowsill! How sweet is that! The little sheep you sent me are in their proper spot in the dining room. They are happy there, listening in on all our conversations. Merry Christmas, Frances.


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