Someone has Grown

Here we are on our daily visit to Sandness to see Lilja and Fivla (plus the Minions and the Icelandic horse laydees) and we are always enthusiastically greeted by “Step-Mum” and her sort-of daughter.

There are two other Shetland ponies in the field – not mine, I hasten to add, but Fivla and Lilja are lodgers in this field for a few weeks while we are in the middle of weaning.  Hetja is a few fields away and Lilja can’t see her but probably knows she is nearby, just by smell.

Liljs has changed.  Suddenly she is a different shape.  She still has the same donkey ears, though.

She was born with them.

Lilja has grown in the last few days – it is very difficult to show in the photo, which is an appalling angle however I took it.  She is also losing her now-revolting winter fur.

She seems to have acquired long legs that go on forever and I expect her to probably mature at about 17hh. Little Fivla is about 36″ high – for scale.

I am pleased Lilja has Fivla.  They are very fond of each other and that is perfect.  Everyone should have a Fivvie.  Essential kit.


8 thoughts on “Someone has Grown

  1. Louise Stopford

    Lilja is turning into a fine young lady. She is going to make a beautiful horse for some lucky person. I wonder if you will be keeping her – perhaps for yourself? And those ears, they are just adorable.

  2. Nina

    Everyone indeed should have a Fivla. Our little boy takes his Fivla teddy (bought in Lerwick, complete with cardi) to bed every night and I read ‘Fivla stories’ from your blog to him. You should write kids books!

    1. Frances Post author

      awwww, tell your wee lad that Fivla is a unicorn. That’s what she wants to be. One day when we were a riding school, we tacked her up, waited for her rider who never appeared, nipped into the house leaving her tacked up with just a saddle and tied up with headcollar (no bridle). We came back to find her sat on the floor with her saddle having a little bit of a sit and a snooze. She looked like a mother hen sitting on chicks – all her legs underneath her.

      If all Shetland ponies were like Fivvie, no one would ever have a bad word to say about them. Fivla has, all her life, been nothing but perfection.

      1. Nina

        Awwwww I will tell him this story too 🙂
        He especially likes that Fivla is friends with Lyra’s Mum!


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