So Many Decisions

We have visitors coming over from USA for their holidays.  They are popping up to see Shetland, and to meet the Minions.

So, a huge dilemma faces me.

Do I clean the house and …..

and do some cooking?

Or do I sit with everyone and forget all that?

A lick and a promise should be all my visitors need to believe we live in a filth-free environment.

Maybe I can ask them to take off their glasses/contact lenses before they come into the house.

I just can’t waste the day cleaning.

I can cook every evening but not be as prepared as I should be.  We have Pimms and prawn cocktail crisps.  They will love that and not eve notice the time passing while I cook curry!

Being the perfect host is just not me.

(I wonder if Newt has ever actually walked underneath an Icelandic horse!)

So, dilemma.

To hug or to clean?

Decisions, decisions.

Yup, you guessed it, I hugged.  Cleaning is so over-rated.  So excited, though, to see my visitors!

15 thoughts on “So Many Decisions

  1. Rhonda Lane

    Hugs. Definitely. I could be way off base here, but your US visitors are there to meet you, your girls, the Minions, and the other “stars” of your world that lifts us from the troubles of our own.

  2. Linda

    If your visitors are coming to see all the animals, the last thing they’ll care about is the house or getting any food. They’ll want to pass the time out in the pastures. I’m American, I’m crazy about animals, and this is exactly how I’d feel.
    Hug away!

  3. Sam

    I love this blog because of all the animals you live with not what you live in! I am sure the visitors want to meet the Minions, Bozenberries, Ladies and Gents FIRST. I would.

  4. Rebeccca A Final

    No offense, but I’d bet your guests are coming to see the ponies. Definitely hugs over cleaning.

  5. Margaret Robinson

    I should have asked sooner. The Shetlands are part of our trip in October. If the first wave of Americans are extremely well-behaved, would you feel comfortable having us visit too?

    We don’t plan to stay with you, so no need for a clean house (and as I have a horse, and we’ve two dogs, hugging is much more enjoyable than dusting). We just would like to meet you and see “the homestead” if that wouldn’t be a problem.

    Just seeing everyone who we view thru your blog would be far more exciting than anything else we plan to do. Well, okay seeing the parts of Shetland where the TV mystery series “Shetland” is filmed is a real close second.

    Honestly, if you feel a visit from us is like way too much, please do not hesitate to say so. You and your family (of all kind), are not obligated in any way.


  6. Terri

    No worry, they aren’t coming to check on your housekeeping or cooking skills, they are comng to meet you and your family, 2-legged, 4-legged, and 2-winged. You kindly give us a peek into a different way of life. Personally I’d want to spend the entire time outdoors in the fields. Hug away!

  7. Margaret Robinson

    We’ll be there with the proverbial bells on (though not enough to scare anyone). Will let you know exactly when – it will be in October sometime. And……………….THANK YOU! MMR

  8. Deb Twomey

    I wish the visitor was me and all I would want is to love on ponies and hear your wonderful stories. Most all of our houses take back seat to horses
    Have a lovely visit

  9. Nancy

    Oh how lovely! Visitors! I’m sure you will all have a good time!
    I hope someday to see the wonderful views of Shetland myself that I can only see in your blog for the moment. =)


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