Snow in Summer

My mother visited me in Shetland many moons ago (around 1997/8?). I wouldn’t call it a success really as travelling here was her very definition of Hell – the plane was cancelled due to fog and I think she ended up on the floor of the ferry trying to sleep that night.  Not ideal and it rather coloured her view of my new home and visiting me forever.

But, I remember that Mum loved the cotton-grass that grows everywhere.  She was very taken with it and so when it “flowers”, I always think of Mum.  I think she even gathered handfuls to take home in her suitcase, along with stones off the beach for her garden, as you do.

The cotton-grass sort of looks like occasional snow drifts in our Shetland summer.  A wonderful, if strange, sight.

Meanwhile, in other news, Mr Ducky has been looking for one of his many wives and has finally found her.

He has been sitting there all afternoon.

I hope he knows the children are his responsibility.

And in other, other news, the Minions are down minimum grass on their track.

I am holding firm as they all need to lose weight.  Sorry, guys, I am not opening up the other half yet.

I must not give in, I must not give in, I must not give in……..

6 thoughts on “Snow in Summer

  1. Celeste

    Oh, so beautiful! Bog cotton intrigues me but since I usually come in September for Wool Week, there isn’t much of it left. Any chance you could save a couple of handfuls for me for when I come this year? Such an interesting “flower.”

  2. Suzanne Kelly

    It looks absolutely beautiful. And I hope Mr. Ducky is behaving himself.
    Down here in Hastings The nights are starting to slowly get longer and longer. I’m sure you’re going to make the most of your remaining summer days. Best to you and yours. Not least Monster.

  3. Judi

    Whoa, so much cotton grass, and Celeste said bog cotton, had to google that, wonderful, – pillow stuffing and a connection with the days of witches in Shetland.


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