Shopping in Røros

So, yesterday, you know how I said we didn’t do crowds?  Well, today, we did do shopping – the people had mostly dispersed.

The morning was spent wandering about the streets of Røros, looking at at it all.

There were many stalls selling just about everything (I love this sort of thing).

We sampled.

I tried not to mind.

We admired.

(eeek – Moomin cardigans – just eeek!)

In the various little alleyways off the streets were courtyards with folk who had come up with their sleighs and horses.

Singing and story-telling.

Possibly some drinking too!

Oh, wow.  The atmosphere.  The décor.  The everything.  I soaked it all up.  Norwegian chic at its best.

Røros is not a large town (Wikipedia says 3,718 so half the size of Lerwick), but everyone had made an effort.

What a beautiful place with amazing buildings …..

…. and innovation.

The horses, who had taken part in the Opening Ceremony, were mostly out of bounds and that was good. They deserved their rest but there were a few stabled in the courtyards dotted around who we could talk to.

And so we wandered.

Now was our opportunity to go into Røros church.

A place of peace and tranquility.

(and curtains too – I mean how beautiful is that?)

Yes, we did shop but mostly we browsed, tasted and chatted to the traders.

There was old and new to look at and want.  Oh yes, I wanted!

(I even looked for a bell for Lambie – he needs a bell!)

This is an old horse-drawn snow plough.

I asked permission before I took this photo – a kind Sami lady in full traditional costume.

Shopping in Røros is an experience and now I need to go back!

17 thoughts on “Shopping in Røros

  1. Sam

    Lovely photos as usual. What prompted this visit to Norway? Did Lambie get his bell? Did any horses get a Nosy Kiss?

    1. Frances Post author

      I tried to nose kissey some! (even managed a cow).

      Lambie did not get his bell. Could not find the right one.

  2. arte white

    I would have so loved to shop those bells!
    Lambster needs a bell too for when he goes on a walkabout : )

  3. Robyn

    Oh Frances how absolutely marvellous!! The beautiful colours set amidst the white snow look superb. I want too!! Are the goods for sale expensive? Adore the matryoshka dolls and I suppose they are the real thing . What a fantastic experience. It is all so utterly enchanting.

    1. Frances Post author

      Norway is expensive. Not because it is on purpose but because their rate of exchange is different – they earn about 3 times what we do, if that makes sense.

      (I did buy a few things!)

  4. Linda

    Frances, THANK YOU for the shopping trip. I thoroughly enjoyed it! (And didn’t spend a penny!)
    Did you get Lambie a bell?

    That bridge support was pure genius, and the blue & white interior of the church seemed so peaceful…

  5. Terri

    Oh Frances, these photos (and accompanying story) are wonderful! And that photo with the green door and snow(gnome?) on the bench — charming! And the photo of the “singing and story-telling” (and KNITTING!)….Thank you! Did you find a perfect bell for dear Lambie?

  6. Louise Stopford

    Such wonderful photo’s showing such a very different way of life. Someone above has asked what prompted the Norway holiday – I was wondering the same thing? There is a really charming rustic feel about the place and I love the Moomin Cardies (would have loved one of those).

    1. Frances Post author

      We have been planning it for ages (over a year).

      My neighbours are Norwegian and one evening, they told me about Rørosmartnan. Well, that was it! We had to go. We were planning for last year but events overtook us so this year we made the effort. Our friend arranged just about everything – we stayed with his friends or at hotels and it was the best time.

  7. Sam Russell

    Dear Frances,
    I would love to share this blog on my Rustic Romance site if you would be willing to allow me. The post would be featured on my ‘Rustic Guest’ page, attributed to you (of course) and with a link back to your own site. Please let me know if you would be happy for me to do so.
    Best wishes,
    Sam Russell


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