She’s Left Us

Tor’s owners came over to collect their lovely pony-mama and take her home.

(They may have mentioned that she was a bit fat and had to go on a diet before she ran with the stallion.  I ignored that.)

We have all been dreading this day.  I will admit that I have been worrying about how the little boys would react when Tor was taken away.  Albie was having a melt-down in my imagination.

So, they barely noticed.

The boys ran round once looking for Tor and then attached themselves to Delia, who I don’t actually think looked up once.

Meanwhile, Efstur is taking a huge interest in the little boys, particularly Newt.

I often see them chatting over the fence together.

The two stallions sharing a good poo sniffing.

(happy days – green coloured poo means the spring grass is arriving)

Efstur is practising being Handsome Prince Mk II.

This Odd Couple are determined to be the best of friends over the fence.

Rugs are on at the moment because there is a harsh northwesterly wind bringing sporadic outbursts of fierce rain.  I am wearing my thermals so, therefore, the little boys are too.

Once the temperature is consistently above ten degrees celsius, then rugs will be off and Delia will join the girls.  The little boys can all be together.

A little bit warmer weather, please, or a least less rain.

Anywho, thank you Tor and thank you to Tor’s owners, Bergli Stud, for the loan of Tor.  She was perfect and the best step-mother ever to those that needed her most (*** sniff ***).

4 thoughts on “She’s Left Us

  1. Sam

    What a sad yet necessary day this is. So very happy Albie has his Newt to be buds with. But the picture of Newt and Efstur together is a hoot. Reminds of a nursery song “One of these things is not like the other”.
    And yet they are so very similar.

  2. Judith Garbutt

    Sad to lose Tor but hopefully you’ll be able to let us see photographs of her foal in due course. I love the littlies! I would love to see some Minnion photos soon (hint, hint!).


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