
We brought them all in bright and early with the promise of food in their winter bowls.  I hate to use the phrase “like lambs to the slaughter” but they were very trusting.

Our shearer arrived and set up – I had already cleared the little stable for him.

First up, only because he ran in, was Lambie.

He was a good boy.

He was drenched, mouth and feet checked, and then told he could go.  Lambie’s fleece was a Grade IV.

Next up was Puzzah.

The same drill.

I think he was very pleased to get rid of his fleece.

It was was ungraded but our shearer said it had some nice bits.

‘Ster was third in the queue.

His fleece was huge.


‘Ster is a Grade I – Shetland Katmoget.

I have plans for this fleece so it was sheared with even greater care and attention.

Meanwhile, a fight had broken out in the stable between the shorn and unshorn sheep – they didn’t recognise each other.  Lambie fled as he hates a stramash and stood by Daisy for security, who was filming for the Blog.

He watched with huge interest, though.

And last up was ‘Bert.

‘Bert has a Grade II Shetland moorit fleece. Daisy commented there was more grey this year.

As well as being drenched, etc, ‘Bert also had his horns cut off as they will grow straight into his head – a terrible design fault.

Afterwards, I put them all back into their field.

Lambie went into a decline.

‘Ster seemed happy enough and probably glad to be cooler.

Everyone was very tired but looking a bit gorgeous.

I let Lambie out of the field and Daisy gave him a long scratch which cheered him up hugely.  They are all now around the house (outside) where there is a shed and lots of dockens (docks) that need eating.

So that’s that done then.

9 thoughts on “Sheared

  1. Carol E

    What fabulous photos and videos! Your man looks like a very good shearer. I love Puzzah’s little knowing smile. That first photo of them gathered in the barn: that should be an album cover! They look like some bad hombres, with Puzzah as the Don. I love his one white hoof; their feet aren’t often visible.

    So funny watching Lambie lipping the air as Daisy scratches just the right spot.

    Shearing is a kindness, especially with an experienced shearer. I’m sure they’ll be more frolicsome.

  2. m. Colleen McNamara

    In the outside after pictures it looks like Puzzah has red under his neck. Is he OK? did he get nicked?
    They all look like different critters, and I bet after they forgive you they will be glad to be cooler. Someday I hope we can get together and I will tell you a crazy story about our first attempt at shearing a neighborhood lamb.
    All the Best,

  3. Keira

    So for this ignorant American, what will happen to the fleeces? How are they used based on their grade? I know I can google it and I will if you do not have the time or do not want to go in to it on your blog, but I am very curious. A day in the life of a Shetland sheep fleece? Love Shetland and your blog!

  4. lynn

    They look positively naked and so much more comfortable. I’ve never seen a sheep shorn before. Very educational videos. They were so co-operative!

  5. Terri

    So interesting — thanks for the photos and videos! If you have time: what is the weight of a fleece? (approximate range) That’s so funny that the flock didn’t recognise each other! (not only was their fleece gone, but probably also much of their former “scent”) Thanks so much for the link to the wool grading chart!

  6. Kris

    Love the attitude pose by BeAnne in the third pic.
    She seems to be thinking, “oh, the indignity of it all”.
    Or maybe she wonders if she might be next.


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