44 thoughts on “Rest In Peace Delia

  1. Celeste Nossiter

    My sincere condolences to you. I know for sure that Delia had a long and very happy life, and that you gave her everything a sweet pony could want in life. Of course you will miss her. I see her sweet little soul running about in some other world.

  2. Jan Knight

    So sorry to hear that Frances, she knew how loved she was and I am sure she will always be in yours and our hearts.

  3. Beth Cooper

    So very sorry. Such a sad day for you and your family, and all of us who hold you dear.
    So glad you shared her with us.

  4. Judith Garbutt

    So sorry to read this sad news. Never an easy decision to make for any animal, never mind one as much loved as Delia. No one could have offered better or more consistent care. She’ll be much missed – she’s been such a major part of the My Shetland pages. Will be thinking of you all. xx

  5. Sam

    So very, very, deeply sorry to hear this news. Delia was a Queen among horses. She was deeply loved by you and graciously shared with the rest of us. She will be truly missed.

  6. Colleen McNamara

    You all are in my thoughts and prayers. I know what it is to lose someone you have had in your heart and life for so long. My horse Mango crossed over the rainbow bridge last year at the age of 31. The pasture will seem empty, even with all your equines and sheeples and other animal “children”. Wish I could do more to easy the achy hole in your hearts.

  7. diane in northern wis

    Oh, so sorry to hear you lost your Delia. You certainly took good care of her. May tomorrow be a better day for all of you. Peace.

  8. Terri

    I’m deeply saddened to hear this. But she had the most wonderful life with you! Thank you for always doing the right thing. She was loved to the very end….xo

  9. louise whyte

    so sad Frances but I remember she has struggled for a few years in winter despite all efforts to provide her with more comfort etc. just her time, sleep tight Delia.

  10. Louise Stopford

    So very sorry for your loss Frances and family. It is such a painful experience to lose an animal, a member of the family. I think possibly the heartache that we feel at such times is the price we have to pay for having them in our lives. Although I have been through it many times with animals, I would have never ever been without any of them for one moment. Feel very sad and teary for you.

  11. Cathy

    So sorry. You had said a few days ago that you were worried about her. Now she is at peace, but will be always in your heart.
    What a lovely photo of her. Xxxx

  12. Emma Morton

    Thanks for sharing all the wonderful stories over the years. Delia has touch so many because of you and will be missed

  13. Jane R

    Sorry Frances, My comment above was my attempt to make a little heart with words inside which jumbled when sent.
    I have read your blog for years, but never commented before. I love all your creatures and you give your all to them. I shed a tear for you, and for Delia when I logged on today.
    She had a wonderful life and you have given her your very best!


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