This morning BeAnne and Loki had a dust-up outside the chicken shed and BeAnne came off worst. Naturally she is full of misery, resentment and feeling very sorry for herself. Apparently, she may never walk again. We discovered a couple of small wounds which will be monitored carefully and I diagnose that her prognosis is good.
But resentment has good mileage if you are BeAnne. She climbed under the desk when I mentioned going outside.
I eventually, after much cajoling, got her to go outside and then there was the sit down strike accompanied by “The Look”.
At that stage, I put her on a lead and I walked forwards, while she walked backwards. Luckily for me she is a bear of very little brain and quickly forgot what it was she was hating.
And hopefully we are back to normal.
Meanwhile, I keep looking at The Fatties and wandering if they are looking slightly thinner. Do you think so? Perhaps? A smidgeon?
Their eyes bore through me with an equine version of resentment and I feel awful. I am not good at diets for myself or my animals.
But then I look at their field, and think that is not actually too bad.
There is resentment everywhere around me. I think I might go into a decline now.
We’re all thankful at times that dogs don’t seem to have much long-term memory!
And I understand all too perfectly how that diet thing with us and our animals goes…