Puzzah’s New Home

A few day’s back I was offered Puzzah (Lambie’s father).

Daisy, Flossie and I went over to see him and we agreed he could come and live at Thordale.

So, today, we went over to fetch Puzzah.

I put some food down for him and I popped a horse’s headcollar on (upsidedown – it works perfectly) to act as a harness.  He is much easier to handle with this on.

Then I went outside to tell the Boyzens that we had a new recruit.

Lambie took it very well, as did ‘Bert but I am not sure about ‘Ster – he has issues and maybe difficult.

Just not today.  I had words with ‘Ster about his attitude and, as my mother would say, “we will see”.

Meanwhile, Puzzah was waiting patiently in the stable. 

He is a dear boy.  We have had a few chats and, like Lambie, he hates carrots but loves hard feed.  The way to his heart.

Puzzah will be getting lots of that and green grass, while it is around.

And then, in the afternoon, the vet arrived and this was what we had been waiting for….

Puzzah had to be fully castrated.  He can’t live here as a ram.  It would not be a wise decision.

So, the offending articles, under masses of local anaesthetic, antibiotics and long-acting painkillers, were duly removed.

Poor lad – but thems are the Terms if he wants to be a Boyzenberry.

It was a successful operation. Puzzah is now happily residing in Lambie’s best bedroom – grass, wifi, radio and hard feed once a day.  The others are in their field – much to their horror and we will do the full “Meet n’ Greet” maybe tomorrow.  We will see.

Anywho, can anyone spot Newt in his new-to-the-herd field?  He is teensy tiny!

7 thoughts on “Puzzah’s New Home

  1. Sam

    Here’s hoping Puzzah makes a full recovery and Ster has a change of heart. Not hard to spot Newt, he is the Biggest one in the field.

  2. Colleen McNamara

    Those “articles” are impressive!!! Flossier being the Biologist was probably right in there 😉 Congratulations on the new boysenberry. Puzzah doesn’t know how fortunate he is to come to the land of lov’in and biscuits. Ster will come around. What happened to the other fellow (Rammie) who followed you home in August? Did he see a vet and get fixed up for his lamness?

    1. Colleen McNamara

      An update. I know the name is Flossie (the R) jumped in from my keyboard. What are the plans for the Biologist in the family ? Loved the posts about the graduation and the pomp and circumstance. She certainly has enough “life” around her to keep things interesting. (Biology is the study of life) . Give my best to all the hairy, feathered (sometimes) and furred, and wooly too.

      1. Frances Post author

        Flossie = the one who did Chinese (looking for a job)
        Daisy = the one who did Biology – now doing her Masters in Equine Science at Edinburgh University!


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