Power Back On

A shitty day, a really shitty day. The wind hasn’t stopped blowing and the final straw was hail alongside a 75 mph blast.  Floss and I struggled to get the hay nets (No 2 of the day) out while being attacked by fire ants on a mission. It hurt. We were unhappy as the wind picked us up and pushed us along – it was quite scary at times.

I alternate between feeling really sorry for the horses – this is mostly when I am indoors and it looks awful outside – and then thinking they are all fine, as we lug another hay net out to them all while they are busy playing. No one is shivering or cold. Yes, wet and fed up but I honestly think they would hate to be inside far more. They get very panicky if they are in for a long time. It does no one any favours and they are built for this.  I reminded myself of this all day.

When I went over to check, the Minions were having a lovely game so I threw  carrots at them. Arguing obviously keeps them warm. They have plenty of shelter and food so no worries there.

We’ve all battened down the hatches and now we have a power cut – I have given up for the evening.

Floss and I cooked supper (a Korean chicken thing with homemade kimchi) in almost pitch dark with head torches – I mean who chooses the most complicated recipe to prepare ?- well, that would be me then! I never learn.

The lights have just come back on and all we can think is the hydro folk are incredible – out in a Force 11/12 trying to get our electricity back.  It is not nice out there.

I’m going to bed now – ok, it is 7pm but I don’t care – like I said, I’ve had enough of today.



5 thoughts on “Power Back On

  1. Jayne

    Glad you have got through the first storm relatively unscathed.
    Forecast for Sunday evening and Monday looks ghastly, will be thinking of you all.

  2. Judith Garbutt

    Have been thinking about you all day. It’s been horrible here, too, but fortunately no rain, just gale force winds. At one point this morning three of the roads out of my village were blocked by fallen trees! It’s supposed to be calmer overnight and during the day tomorrow then more gales tomorrow night and Monday. Stay safe, dry and warm. I could happily go to bed early, too!

  3. diane in northern wis

    Blessings to you and your family, Frances. It sounds awful out there. You do such a great job caring for your critters. Thank you for that! Glad your power came back on. Hope it’s better tomorrow!


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