Peace At Last

This was the sight that greeted Flossie and I when we went tentatively over to Leradale this morning.

One big happy herd.

Phew.  All the girls together with a sub-herd of little boys to the side.  Just how it should be.

As we have a weather forecast for rain in the next few days, I decided to open the gates and let everyone into the grassier fields that the Icelandic horses had spent their winter in.

No one needed asking twice.

They all cantered in enthusiastically.

The field has a few fences and the herd managed to split itself up.  The Minions (except for Vitamin) went one way.

While the Icelandics another.

Vitamin was by herself mostly due to her own stupidity.  She decided she couldn’t remember how to get through an open gate.

I am not too worried.  The herd will join up when they want to.  Most of the Minions have been in this field before so know their way around, though I think it is new to Vitamin and Fivla.  However, everyone was thrilled to see grass.

I am pleased the herd has settled down.  That is a huge relief. I don’t have to worry.

6 thoughts on “Peace At Last

  1. Margaret Robinson

    Aside from all the herd going this way and that, I read the article in the “Promote Shetland” newsletter about all of you doing the pick up of litter. Congrats and to make it into the news is awesome. Next year there’ll be many more people helping!

  2. Sam

    Poor Silly Vitamin! Hard to be dotty at times. But what a sense of relief for you that everyone is getting along.

  3. gwen jamieson

    Hi there, I think that you need to come and check your field out, thats the one in front of my house its a bit of a mess, the kids have been doing a bit of work on it and no one is stopping them so before it gets out of hand please take a look at it— before you put any horses back in it


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