Oslo in Black and White

This is the last gasp of my Norwegian holiday photos.

I wanted to do something different – Oslo, in black and white.

Oslo Cathedral (1694-1697) – we went inside later.

First we walked up to the The Royal Palace.

En route we passed various cafés – they have blankets/sheepskins for customers who want to sit outside.  What a brilliant idea!

Then past the Grand Hotel and their very dapper doorman – this hotel is best known as the annual venue of the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Close by, there is a skating rink (Spikersuppa) in Oslo that plays beautiful music to skate to.

The National Theatre.

And then up the hill to the Palace.

It has 173 rooms.

and a statue.

As well as a Guard – Hans Majestet Kongens Garde.

(they reminded me slightly of Camberwick Green – Captain Snort of Pippin Fort).

Now a little wander down the hill (on the left was the Historical Museum – Historisk museum)

We perused the shops.  They were wonderful and this made me smile – the signs for the loos in a department store.

Freia is the leading Norwegian brand in sweeties and chocolate (and yes, their chocolate is wonderful – of course we tried it, just for comparison, mind!)

My favourite shop was David Andersen – a beautiful silver and jewellery shop.

I had to hold myself back.

Such wonderful design and jewellery.  I bought nothing.  Just looked and drooled.

And then it started snowing.  Really snowing. So Daisy and I stopped off in Youngstorget –  Young’s square where we found these three chickens (like you do)!

We went inside the Cathedral – we had promised ourselves that we would do this.

(This is my one colour photo from Oslo as black and white does not do this heavenly place justice).

Such grandeur with peace and calm.

I bought and lit two candles.  One for of each of my daughters.

(I also hedged my bets and included the Minions in my prayers). 

5 thoughts on “Oslo in Black and White

  1. Linda

    I love seeing the black and white photos – they’re stunning, Frances! And look how “Scandinavian” (i.e., simple) the Royal Palace is. No “wedding cake” style here, just clean simple lines (although I’m betting the interior is quite elegant). Same with the silver shop.
    The little girl with the pigtails ice skating looks SO Norwegian, doesn’t she? And the cathedral looked beautiful.

    Thank you Frances, for sharing your photos of Norway – it’s been such a fun armchair trip!

  2. Gwen

    very nice silver candle holders they are very Norsk , I like the inside of the church and also the cafe is good with the blankets and sheepskins or furs that is a great idea

    And as usual pictures excellent. Well done Frances xx

  3. Louise Stopford

    Stunning scenes and photography. Have enjoyed coming along on your holiday with you and Daisy. Thanks for sharing the journey.

  4. Nancy

    Wow! Wow!
    The black and white makes everything look so grand!
    But that one color photo…just beautiful!
    I will definitely have to go there someday…

    PS – I love the womens/mens toilet mark! hee hee!


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