Not a Nice Chap

I turned around and found this looking at me.  So, while laughing, I took a photo!

To be fair, it is just a very bad angle and Monster is not really that obese, so he tells me.  He just has big bones.

There was audience participation at lunch-time.  I do not encourage this sort of behaviour but we had finished eating so I let it go, just this once.

BeAnne, of course, would never do this – mostly because she can’t jump up anymore, not because she shouldn’t.

Monster remained unrepentant.  He honestly doesn’t care what I think. If it were OH, then of course that would be a completely different matter.

BeAnne then asked to go outside so I left the backdoor open for her.  Monster was feeling mean and decided to stalk her.  At first, he pretended to be looking for an invisible mouse but I knew what he was planning and we had words.

Monster by name……. and all that.


4 thoughts on “Not a Nice Chap

  1. Elva

    The only cure for the week we have had here in the United States is MONSTER!!! Maybe he could chase out the Trump supporters once and for all!!!

  2. Linda

    That first photo: someone is drinking too many beers and watching too much TV! (he looks a lot like my friend’s husband, after he’d been laid off for a few months)

    He’s so handsome, but I just don’t trust the look in those eyes…

  3. Sam

    My mom & step-dad had a cat, Badfinger (1 black toe you know where) who ADORED my step-dad and hated my mom. If she yelled at the cat, he drag her clothes out of the hamper and pee on them. So I feel your pain of Monster only loving OH.


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