My Little Boys

It was a lovely afternoon, the Minions were on flying form, so I went to sit with them in their new field as a reward for all my previous hard work.

They all came to chat and obviously I was investigated.  We had run out of carrots.

I sat on a small bank that runs along the side of a little stream – Newt and Waffle stood behind me and I lay back and just chilled.

Silver, Albie and Storm were by my feet.

Tiddles was snoozing a bit a way.

It was lovely.  I felt very safe.  I often sit down with them and they are used to it.

(Darling little Albie is so happy with his friends – he is finally One of the Boys)

Tiddles woke up later and we had a secret chat (aww, the relaxed bottom lip of snooziness)

I love my little boys.  You have no idea how my heart warms seeing them giggling and living together as a happy little herd.

Rescuing animals, especially in a small island community, is never easy but it is definitely worth it.

I love my little boys.  They have changed my life.

*** sniff *** – I am feeling all emotional now!


4 thoughts on “My Little Boys

  1. Sam

    Let’s be real, these Little Boys have changed many lives. I do hope you did not get much grief over taking on the Minions. They desperately needed you. And I thank you for taking them and sharing them. So very happy Albie has friends about him now. You did well.

  2. diane in northern wis

    What a lovely heart you have, Frances….taking in all these loveable little goof balls. They enrich your life and you enrich theirs. What a lovely story to see and hear about. All of us “out here” are blessed by your stories and pictures. Thank you so much!

  3. Terri

    Now you have me all choked up too! *sniff* This is a crowning victory. Well done, Frances, well done. I’m especially happy that sensitive-soul Albie has been accepted into the happy herd.


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