Muchos Reindeer

We shopped until we dropped and then walked back to the car – it was parked slightly outwith Røros. On our way in earlier in the morning, we had noticed that the reindeer were living in the park next to our carpark.

Did I want to go and see them?

You bet I did!

There were potential noseys to kiss!

But I was in two minds.  To be honest, I don’t like disturbing animals when they are either working hard or resting.

I think it is also rude to just go up to someone else’s animal and impose myself and my camera.  Not the done thing.

So, I did ask their owners, who were Sami, and tried to read the situation as best I could.

Reindeer are not animals I know much about and they also come with an armoury that can cause damage.

I did my best, hopefully safely and appropriately.

(I did kiss this nosey!)

The reindeer were there for a purpose – sleigh rides for the public.

Yes, I can understand that.  Like our beach donkeys.  But, get this, they set off without any handler, and they go round the track on their own!

Imagine doing that with a Shetland pony?

God alone knows where you would end up – my money is at the local shop!

But these reindeer looked good, were content and plodded around a pre-prepared track without a second thought.

(I may need a reindeer or two or three or a herd…… but apparently they don’t do rain).

Can I just add that someone had bothered to collect loads of lichen for their reindeer and it was put on the ground for them to munch while they were not pulling their sledges.  Thank you to those persons.  You care and you understand your animals.



4 thoughts on “Muchos Reindeer

  1. Sam

    How like you to notice lichen left for the reindeer to nibble on. How lovely are the reindeer noseys – was the one you kissed much like your Minions? The faces looked rather similar.

  2. Gwen

    they are so lovely and they are shedding the wooly velvety stuff off their antlers, its nice to see all that. I know you enjoyed them, and I enjoy looking at your pictures, you have now got a nice collection

  3. Terri

    These reindeer are both handsome and intelligent! Too bad they don’t do rain, as I was hoping you might adopt some. PS Sorry you didn’t find the right bell for Lambie, but it must be a very special one for him.

  4. Nancy

    Wow, reindeer look nothing like what I would call “deer”, but looking at their body shape, they look more like cousins of the moose to me!

    So amazing that they can just walk around the track and come back by themselves!!

    If you did that with one of our riding club horses, they would probably just take you to their stall where they know the food is!! ha ha!!


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