Minion Training

I have noticed, recently that there has been a distinct lack of Minion manners.  They had their feet trimmed the other evening and, I am ashamed to say, were fairly unhelpful and downright rude.  Not good.


So today everyone was groomed, had their feet lifted and led nicely round the school in both directions.


Little Tiddlypom watched fascinated by this work.


When it was his turn, I picked up his feet, tried to teach him to lead and gave him a wuffly hairdo!


I think he is beginning to be a better shape now. – more covered and a happier eye.


Leading is an important skill to learn and it is never a bad thing to remind folk how to do it.

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I am a great believer in animals teaching animals.


Big hugs all round.


And then I put a new rug on Storm that fitted beautifully (a huge thank you – you know who you are and Storm and I are very grateful).


And a new rug with padding for Tiddlypom.  Interestingly, later this afternoon, I found him lying down for the first time in his shed, fast asleep.  I have never seen him lie down before so he must be feeling warm and wumfy.


6 thoughts on “Minion Training

  1. Joanie

    Storm sticking his tongue out is absolutely hysterical! So fitting for the discussion of manners.
    Little Tiddlypom looks adorable in his rug (he looks soooo tiny!). So happy to hear he’s feeling comfortable enough to relax.
    You’re such a good minion mom!

  2. Sam

    Glad to hear Tiddleypom was warm and cozy enough to lay down to nap. Love the naughty picture of Storm. My grandmother always said “good manners are the grease that keeps us civilized”- even ponies need good manners!

  3. Linda K

    Given his expression, I don’t think that Storm gives a fig about manners! Tiddlypom does indeed look tiny in that last photo. How nice is it that he’s chilled and secure enought to have a snooze lying down, in his cosy warm coat.

  4. Linda

    Love that first photo – sums up your description perfectly!
    I didn’t realize Tiddlypom was smaller than the Minions…and I really love that description of him fast asleep, warm and toasty in his new coat. Hope you can get a photo of that sometime…


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