Lost Sheep

‘Bert vanished into the hill yesterday.

When I called the Boyzens home from their field (it backs onto the scattald/open hill with a good fence), only two came a-frolicking home – Lambie and ‘Ster.  No sign of ‘Bert.

I walked to the end of the field and shouted for ‘Bert just in case he hadn’t heard me or seen the others come home, but he was not there.

I did, howver, see a moorit (dark brown) back end standing in the hill and going away from me.  There was nothing I could do.  He didn’t turn round when I called and the light was fading fast.

So that would be ‘Bert gone again then.

First thing this morning once it was light, I went out with a bucket of food to see if I could see him.  I did.  He was far away with other hill sheep and when I called him, he ignored me and followed the others who were quickly departing.

Desolate and soaking, I followed the sheep trails home.

OH went back this afternoon and said ‘Bert was in a group and, from the description it sounds like he has taken up with the hill tups (rams).

I phoned my neighbour who put the tups out and he is caa’ing (herding home) them in hopefully next week, so maybe we will can have a shot at getting ‘Bert home again.

So, come-home vibes to ‘Bert please.  We are all miserable without him.

‘Ster has spent the morning wandering around calling out for ‘Bert. It breaks my heart to hear him sound so miserable.  You may remember that it was ‘Ster who originally brought his friend home last autumn.

I think I heard ‘Ster muttering something about being left to look after Lambie, who doesn’t give a damn.


(I may have had gin)

8 thoughts on “Lost Sheep

  1. Michelle

    Oh, dear Bert; you have a wandering heart. It isn’t right to come in from the cold, take full advantage of Francis’ board, lodging and love only to get your weight up and your strength back to go wandering again. Alas, some men never learn…. (https://youtu.be/UGQcKck51LQ — couldn’t resist sharing Miranda LAMBERT singing “Desperado”!)

  2. Terri

    Oh nooooooo, not again! I think ‘Bert simply hears the Call of the Wild and must follow it. Although I know you all miss him terribly, I feel sorriest for ‘Ster. Hoping this all works out and you’ll have him home soon!

  3. Cathy

    Oh no, I so hoped he had come home for good. Poor ‘Ster. I hope you get him back but it seems he just has to go back to the herd, in spite of all his home comforts.

  4. Colleen McNamara

    Bert hurts my heart. Some guys just don’t know when they have it good. I feel for Ster; he needs his BFF (we all thought) back. Hopefully when your neighbor brings in his rams Bert can be coaxed into coming home where he belongs. I think I remember something “soon they will come home bringing their tails behind them”.
    Warmest wishes


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