Life Goes On

A few photos really (all I’ve got, sorry).

This morning was beautiful.

Ted is a constant support and my emotional support therapy dog.  He is by my side when I’m upset (things are not easy) and I am grateful to have him here with me.

I am making sheep when I can.

Yesterday, I might have given Ted a bit of a drastic hair cut I regret. He is now sporting, what I tell him, is a magnificent tash!

Meanwhile, at home, Daisy sent me these photos.

As you can see, a little someone has achieved her dream.

This actually made me laugh out loud.  Good old Monster.  He has finally met his match.  They make a lovely couple.

(There is an identical bed next to this one but no, they must share. It is probably the law.)

14 thoughts on “Life Goes On

  1. Sumiko Keay

    I’m glad your holding up as best you can & lovely to see what is going on “back at the ranch”.

    Sending hopeful & strengthening vibes.

  2. Judith Garbutt

    Frances, you really don’t need to apologise. I’m sure I’m not alone in being grateful that you’re still keeping us happy with lovely photographs while you’re having such a difficult time. please pass on my thanks to Daisy, too, for the Shetland photographs – they’re very much appreciated. xx

  3. diane in northern wis

    Ha! I’m guessing that it’s not Monster’s idea to be sharing that bed! They sure do look cute though.
    Your first pic today is just gorgeous….wow….what a morning! And Ted looks quite dapper in that new hair do! Know that I’m praying for you Frances, and your Mum, and all that’s going on in your lives now.

  4. Louise Stopford

    Wonderful photo’s of Monster (what a guy!!) and pepper together. I bet you miss them all so much and Pepper looks as if she has really grown. Glad that you have the very dapper Ted to keep you company. Thank goodness for animals when you are feeling upset and down. I know that my cats and just going out to talk to my chickens lifts my spirits. And yes I do talk to my chickens, they make lovely companions. Hope things improve for you and your mum. Thanks for the lovely photo’s and updates. I look forward to them so much. Take good care of yourself. Sending you very best wishes.

    1. Frances Post author

      (I talk to the ducky-wuckies and my sheep and my horses and dog and cat and actually just about anyone animal who will listen and understand!) x

  5. Shelley

    You must be so homesick …even with sweet Ted. I look forward to your return to Shetland but in the meantime I’m loving those sky pics!


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