
So how did it go? I hear you ask.

Well, the Boyzens sloped home this morning for their breakfast and I fed everyone first separately. I had initially thought I would keep the two flocks separate for a while but then thought the only way to find out if they will get on is to actually bite the proverbial bullet.

The Boyzens knew there were girls about and ‘Bert, on his way home from the pub, did his best silly bouncing!  Lambie was sulking.

But he soon stopped when he remembered that he likes girls.

It was all going fairly well.

Except Lambie and ‘Bert wanted a bit more from their new relationships and the girls were unimpressed.

Floss and I did our chores leaving them all to sort themselves out.

The girls seemed fairly calm and just walked away from any undue attention.

‘Bert was fairly persistent.

Lambie was a creepy stalker.

And ‘Ster just wanted everyone’s biscuits (but he is very handsome).

After a while, I let the Boyzens back out into the hill to give the girls some peace.

I also had a fence put up around the paddock behind my house and opened up the shed so they can have their own space rather than the stable.

The girls look at me through the window, which is lovely.

They still have no names.  The older one follows me everywhere not for food, but to chat.

Daughter is getting braver.

Today, I drenched them both, plus gave them some ovaloids (condition and immune system boost) – the limp and the cough have gone.  My sheep expert gave them a quick once-over and we agreed they should have three meals a day plus all the grass they can find.

So that’s how we are getting on. Thank you for asking.




11 thoughts on “Introductions

  1. Elva

    Your new sheep are beautiful, and they are lucky to have you! I am sure you will enjoy the experience of possibly have a lamb or two born too! I am very glad you are taking care of them!!! What does Monster think?

  2. Lucy MacArthur

    Such pretty girls! I am not surprised the boys couldn’t resist trying!

    That picture of Lambie doing his creepy stalker look reminds me of the ram in an episode of Father Ted. I think his name was Chris.

    Anyway, so glad the girls are improving!

  3. darby callahan

    yes I was wondering all day how it was going. I do think the girls look better already. hoping everyone will come around and understand that there is plenty of love to go around.

  4. diane in northern wis

    I think they’re quite pretty Frances. A lovely addition to your loveable menagerie. Hope all your sheep learn to get along well without problems.

  5. Linda Loba

    Well, boys will be boys, won’t they? (Except the shy ones like Lambie.)
    I’m looking forward to see how things go with the group. And such beautiful photos of the two newcomers…


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