In the Fields

At last, hurrah, Lambie and Lambert have moved into the field.  The Minions have given up chasing them and everyone is getting along fine.

Obviously, Lambie and Lambert come in at night. They go happily into our small old vegetable garden at the back of the house and have a lovely shed with lots of hay to sleep in if the weather gets particularly bad.

(and yes, there is a radio in there too – remember Lambie loves classical music!)


So my little “Boys-enberries”, as they are now known, are doing very well, perhaps a little too well.  Half rations of hard food now as Lambert wobbles when he walks!  Despite trying to live as normal sheep, they are still very loving, devoted and cuddly.  Sheep really are the easiest of pets.  Every home should have one!


The horses remain in their big field, as the weather has disintegrated drastically these past few weeks but they are happy.

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The Minions are on the other side of the fence in another field.  They dot in and out endlessly from one field to another, crawling under fences and giggling at me.  I have given up trying to contain them.  It is a thankless task and they always appear if there is food.


BeAnne keeps guard at all times.  She loves being outside to repel all borders or at least tell them endlessly she would repel them – methinks that would be Yorkshire Terrier side of her family.


Over the scattald or hill, at Clothie, is Hetja and Hjalti.  Hetja, I think, knows there is a handsome prince not very far away but, at the moment, he has not cottoned on so there is no endless gazing and not eating.


So this is my set-up at Thordale. They keep me as busy as I want to be or I can leave them knowing they all have food and shelter if they want it.   It is a good set-up.

13 thoughts on “In the Fields

  1. Terri

    Can’t believe how those scrawny little lambs turned into such solid-looking sheep. You must admit they’ve added a new dimension to your family!

  2. Cassie

    I adore your boys-enberries. Pet sheep seem to have such lovely characters. If I send you some See’s California Brittle, can I call dibsies on some fleece?

    Lambie is developing a wonderful New Mexican Native American clown or joker face and body with the black and white pattern. I’m at present knitting him into a Baa-ble sheep hat (from Shetland Wool Week). Lambert will be in it too.

  3. Sam

    Glad to hear the Lambdogs/Boys-enberries are trying out the sheep lifestyle. Do they have a favorite composer? Would love to hear the Minions giggling at you while fence ducking. And Cassie – can you sned a picture of your completed hat? Never occurred to me that Lambie has a Kachina Clown face!

  4. Linda

    I can’t believe how big Hetja is getting!
    (And it’s hard to tell how much of the “boysenberries” is fleece and how much is their body underneath. But the waddling sounds like a good way to tell 😉

  5. Cassie

    I’ve been looking for a good Koshare clown illustration and am disappointed that the current style is very cartoony. (The clown figure is not a proper Kachina and is instead called a Koshare or other terms). My grandmother had a beautiful carving with black and white striped legs and big black circles on the eyes and mouth — like Lambie. Here’s a link to the more historical representation. I think Lambie and Storm may both have a bit of the personality traits!

    I don’t know how I can post a photo but I’d be happy to when I’m done. The knitting has gotten a bit complicated as each of the 12 sheep are customized to specific sheep I know, using 8 shades of black/brown/gray/cream/white. After trying to do it in stranded fair isle style, I have now made little disorganized intarsia bundles of colors for each sheep. A forest of yarn strands tangled on the interior — it’s more a yarn juggling project than a knitting project. I never have done things the simple way.

    1. Frances Post author

      ooh, I look forward to seeing your knitting.

      I have never heard of Koshare clowns. Very interesting. I will tell Lambie (and Storm) they are sacred!


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