Icelandic Bog Horses

These are a little know breed of small horse, called the Icelandic Bog Horse.  They are mostly known for their ability to stand in a bog up to their fetlocks while thinking this is quite a nice place to be.

Some of them also have great camouflage.

Out of the 5 whole acres, there is one boggy bit in this field so that’s where I found the Icelandic horses today when I went over with a bit of carrot each.

Kolka quickly heard the word carrot!

It was very windy and they are very hairy.  Another trait of the Icelandic Bog Horse.

Or possibly Woolly Mammoth.

Anyway, the horses all seemed happy enough, so I scrambled over the fence again and continued with my dog-walk.

Back at home the Old Ladies wanted in, so I let them eat the grass around the house.  They appreciated the extra and the grass needs eating down.  When I went later on to my shed to play Flute Duets, I did wonder if Fivla and Vitamin were listening as they stayed around, albeit in the small paddock I had to put them in as the oil tanker arrived.

Ever the critic, ladies!

3 thoughts on “Icelandic Bog Horses

  1. Sharon

    I agree that Kolka is a beautiful girl even when muddy! Of course, the boys are also handsome fellows.

    I have a question: is there any danger to their hooves and legs because they seem to like standing in the boggy area? I have some vague recollection of local horse owners bemoaning the difficulty of keeping pastures and corrals dry enough for their horses. We live in a temperate rain forest here, so lots of rain in the cold months. I got the impression that horses could develop problems from having wet, cold feet.

    1. Frances Post author

      I don’t think so up here. If they choose to spend their day in a bog, then go them. Some places in UK they have to stand horses on water as they are in clay soil and it absorbs everything.


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