I Joined A Choir!

A friend told me a few weeks back about a community choir that was starting in my village.

I have always enjoyed singing since being in the school choir to now humming in an irritating fashion all day!

So, I went along to their first practice and joined up.

We started with carols and it quickly became very evident that, having the short term memory of a gold-fish, I could not learn the alto part.  I would hear it, sing it back and then promptly forget it.  Depressing.

So I volunteered to play the flute instead as an accompniment which worked out much better for me as I was given the music score to play from.

Our debut was last night in our local village hall.  We sang some carols in the intermission for the Lerwick Brass Band concert.

It was a lovely evening with lots of excellent corny Christmas cracker jokes.  Apparently this is a local tradition.

We warmed up singing carols with the Brass Band.  They also performed their own pieces too.  I love brass band music.  I wish they allowed flutes in but they don’t.

And then we sang our carols.  I am at the back on the left behind the pianist.

I loved it.  There was a huge sense of community spirit.  It was a treacherous icey night but folk came and sang and listened. I arrived in welly boots and Yaktraks!

We have one more performance on Sunday at our local church and then hopefully the community choir will continue throughout the year.

Photos by Barry Broadbent

11 thoughts on “I Joined A Choir!

      1. Sheryl Vicino

        Eucalyptus lozenges are our Aussie go to cure all, but some colds are just not compliant. Hope its better soon.

  1. Margaret Robinson

    Ah, Francis…………..some more clear pictures of you in that orchestra please. Aren’t the girls or OH playing?? Does look like everyone is having fun and you seem to have cornered the market on good audiences. Where is this?

  2. diane in northern wis

    How awesome Frances….so glad to hear you’re in the choir! And playing the flute too! That’s wonderful! Hope you continue to enjoy it. I know that I always enjoyed it very much when I was singing in the choir. Did you talk the girls into joining up too???


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