I blame the parent….

I had the most brilliant idea this morning – Fiona and Daisy could teach Bozz-Bozz and Arcturus some simple lessons, like being caught….


…..standing quietly while the gate was secured,….


…and leading nicely (well two out of three ain’t bad).


They took the little lads into the indoor school and walked about a bit with them.  They mostly liked to go together so I asked Fiona and Daisy to work with each colt separately.

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There were a few resulting issues…

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…but Daisy tried a new method of training, explaining to Bozz-Bozz what it was she wanted him to do.


After that, it seemed to work fine…..

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….and they became the bestest of friends


(she even let him have her hat).


Fiona had a different task.  I wanted Arcturus to stand nicely for a photo….


… and then to trot up for me.  There was a small difference of opinion…..

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… and then he did it beautifully.  He is a lovely little mover once he gets the plot.


They are both dear little boys with huge potential.


I think it has done them the power of good being here this winter in my herd.  All the boys have enjoyed their baby-sitting duties without complaining.

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I will admit I was howling with laughter while Daisy and Fiona tied themselves up in knots.  Personally, I blame the parent!


2 thoughts on “I blame the parent….

  1. Martine

    I was going to say exactly what Kim said!
    Lovely post, they are absolutely adorable, and clearly well on the way to being Respectable Citizens


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