
So, while Flossie has been filling in for me, this is what I have been doing…..


I was booked in, courtesy of the NHS, to The Beardmore Hotel (and Conference Centre) for two nights.  It is situated on the bank of the Clyde – this is the view from my bedroom.


My bedroom…..


With onsite iMac and just about everything.  I was like Mr Bean playing with everything and trying not to break it!


From Wikipedia – The Golden Jubilee National Hospital was built in 1994, as a private hospital by Health Care International. The initial cost was £180 million. The controversial venture proved unsuccessful in private hands and the hospital was purchased for the National Health Service, at a cost of £37.5 million in 2002. Initially known as the National Waiting Times Centre, it was soon renamed the Golden Jubilee National Hospital. Orthopaedics department has also pioneered a CALEDONIAN technique for post op pain relief, quick mobilisation and early discharge of patients. It is one of the biggest centres in the world in use of computer assisted orthopaedic surgery and has done extensive research in this field. A new two-theatre Orthopaedic suite was added in 2003, amongst the most advanced in Europe. 

The blurb –  A national resource for Scotland, the Golden Jubilee National Hospital is managed by the National Waiting Times Centre Board, which also manages the Beardmore Hotel and Conference Centre and the Beardmore Centre for Health Science.

What can I say?  It is incredible.  I was amazed.  Happy helpful staff who cared.  This is indeed an amazing place.   As you can see, I pottered about with my camera.  I loved every minute and the difference between your average NHS hospital and this is, well, a different world.  People were happy, keen to help, nothing was too much and enjoyed their work environment.  As an ex-employee from the NHS, I was gobsmacked to say the very least.

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I was seen yesterday by my Orthopaedic Consultant.  He decided an operation is necessary on my left ankle which has no stability.  The tip of the bone that never heals will be removed, a modified Broström Procedure (reattaching ligaments), plus an arthroscopy to have a look-see and removal of any nasty bits floating around.

They are aiming for the 2nd September, with admission on the 1st, to do this operation under general anaesthetic.


So I have a couple of weeks left of riding my horse(s) and then 3 months no riding.  We discussed this and I might have to learn to get on from the other side, which will be nearly impossible for me.   Also I will be non-weight-bearing for 2 weeks, partial weight-bearing for 4 weeks before assessment. The surgeon is not keen on crutches because of my spine and I am crap on crutches.

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I wonder if I can take BeAnne as she missed me desperately (and me, her – I think we have separation anxiety).


7 thoughts on “Hospital

  1. Sally

    Wow, what a place! So pleased they are going to sort out your ankle – and it such stylish surroundings too. Just wondering what I can check myself in for!

  2. rebekah

    What a wonderful place, a very distant way a way from your normal NHS hospitals, good luck with everything. I hope your op goes well and you back in the saddle asap xx

  3. Celeste

    Wow, it looks more like a posh hotel than a hospital. So sorry to hear about your upcoming and enforced slowdown. At least you can snoggle everyone even if you can’t ride. I hope the procedures go smoothly for you.

    I read your blog every day and just love it. Thanks for sharing Shetland, your gorgeous ponies a a bit of your life with us.

    Celeste in the US

  4. martine

    When I was riding with the broken wrist last year, I had to get on & off on the wrong side. It felt totally alien but if I mounted on the right (left!) side i had an irresistible urge to use my useless right hand, don’t know why!! I got used to it… and abandoned it just as soon as I could… bet you can get used to it too.

  5. Sarah Pape

    I had to learn to mount one of my Icelandics from the off side when he was recovering from a back injury. It didn’t take long. Then when I had a knee injury and struggled to mount on the normal side I started to use the off side for all of them. I forget that I do this now until someone comments about it. I am very right handed so I was surprised how easy it was to adapt. I think it would feel strange to revert to the traditional way of mounting.

    Hope your surgery is successful. Make sure you get a good physio. Sadly my NHS one thought that being able to walk with one stick was as far as I could go. When I said I needed to be able to ride again they seemed to think I was being unreasonable. I ended up paying quite a lot of money for a private sports physio but I don’t begrudge him a penny. When I need my knee replacement I won’t be wasting my time with NHS physio. And I work for the NHS!! My OH had spinal surgery last month and he is paying to see the same guy.


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