Another lovely ride on Iacs this morning with Daisy on Efstur.
Then out on Klængur (who appeared to be on a cocktail of hallucinatory drugs combined with adrenaline – I got off and walked home humming “Brave Sir Robin” to myself) with Daisy onTaktur. Taktur remained his usual calm self while Klængur’s brain spontaneously combusted. Daisy and I have no idea what was going on.
After a quick lunch, and it was quite late for me, I went to check on the girls, Hetja and Brá (the Minions had been done earlier) who live in a good hill-park a few miles away.
I even climbed a bit of the hill, to give Brá her carrot. There was a good view of Sandness looking over to Papa Stour with Eshaness in the distance.
Both ladies are very well and very happy. This is a perfect field for them.
I had been told of some long-tailed ducks who had taken up residence nearby so I drove down to the beach, hoping to see them.
No luck, but I saw a Great Northern Diver from a great distance.
A guillemot in it’s winter plumage
and a shag a bit closer.
(and yes, I had to ask an expert to identify the birds for me! – I hadn’t a clue.)
I will return to look for the long-tailed ducks another day. I quite like the idea of them and they are rather smart from other folk’s photos.
Long Tailed Ducks © Richard Riley
And as for Klængur, the weather is turning now after some beautiful calm days, so he can have a rest and think about things. Maybe he will calm down. Let’s hope so. He was very “high”.
Could Klaengur have been excited by the sun and calm winds?
How are Bra and Hetja doing in a fiedl by themselves? Lovely ducks.
B & H are very happy, settled, fat and fine.
Klaengur was full of adrenaline. Nothing scary. We just don’t know.
“…(who appeared to be on a cocktail of hallucinatory drugs combined with adrenaline – ” HA! I burst out laughing when I read this! Yahoo! I have a high adrenaline horse, too! : )