Hooves, Hooves, Hooves

All I think about is Haakon and his hooves.  The old boy was pleased to see me this morning and there was evidence that he had been lying down.

Interestingly, today, he did not lie down once so I am hoping this is a good sign.  His hooves are sore, I can see that, but he is more interested in munching his soaked hay and watching the world.

His friend today was Klaengur.

And obviously Her Maj.

Always there.  Mostly asleep or “mucking out” in her little way.

I spent my morning giving Haakon his medication in a feed which he got bored of so I held the bucket, offering him handfuls and coaxing it down him.  He then had a good brush and I offered him frequent buckets of water – he is not keen to drink but the hay is wet so that is probably why,

A trip (again) into town later on as chauffeur for a horrid dentist appointment and I popped into our local agricultural store to buy a salt lick.

I also collected a pair of frog supports which Daisy and I put on with matching vetwrap (sticky bandage) and afterwards I added gaffer tape (duct tape) as well.

Iacs is tonight’s company and he immediately started by chewing on the cable ties and flicking them up his nose.  Only Iacs.

I also bought some different bedding to go on top of the shavings which may help support Haakon’s hooves.

I left my old boy looking much less tucked up and enjoying his salt lick and that intake will be monitored too.

Once settled for the evening, we let the sheep come home and they follow me around at night with glowing eyes in my head torch “helping” when it is lights out and bedtime.

8 thoughts on “Hooves, Hooves, Hooves

  1. Sam

    What are frog supports? I must say the duct tape is rather stylish. And I had a good chuckle at Mr. Bimble shoving cable ties up his nose. Still keeping Haakon in our thoughts while the Maine Coons have revved up their purr motors to send their love to Shetland.

  2. Michelle

    Just an FYI and perhaps a caution. When my equine vet husband needs to treat the soles of feet he only tapes to the hooves themselves, keeping it off the coronary band and above, and stresses the importance of this to his clients.

    1. Frances Post author

      Michelle – we went to check him later and he was lying down and hyperventilating and very distressed. Took them straight off. Checked him again an hour later and he was calmer and in less obvious pain.

      This morning, much perkier and demanded his bucket of breakfast like a pro!

      Does your husband use vasodilators on his patients?

  3. diane in northern wis

    Love the update on your sweet Haakon. So glad the nurse is staying close by too. You’re on top of things Frances. You’re doing a great job.

  4. Terri

    Head Nurse BeAnne is overseeing Haakon’s care in her own special way (sound asleep!). But she likely has a positive effect, just by her presence. The revolving stream of visitors to keep Haakon company likely helps too. Fingers crossed that he continues to improve!


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