Happy Mother’s Day

Today, it is Mother’s Day or Mothering Sunday (held on the fourth Sunday of Lent).

I read on t’net that “An important part of Mothering Sunday is giving cards and gifts. Common Mother’s Day gifts are cakes, flowers, chocolates, jewelry, and luxurious clothing. Some people do not give a physical gift, but choose to treat their mother or grandmother to a special meal, beauty treatment or fun outing.”

You can guess what I was given!

Daughter No 1 – A large bottle of Gin, tonic and a lemon plus a box of swanky chocolates
Daughter No 2 – A selection of something nice (Nuxe) – sadly still en route to me plus ,as I type, she is cooking supper – an authentic Szechuan meal.  Cookery is the latest talent – write da feem toon, sing da feem toon“.

Lambie refused to spend his pocket money on his Muzzah.  He sulked all day because I made him be a proper sheep and go in a field.  He was triggered.

I wonder if he will bother for Puzzah’s Day?

Gin?  Did someone mention gin?

I am a very happy mother.  All my major food groups are covered.

Meanwhile, yesterday I rode this horse – Mr Bimble – here he is happily asleep on the gate.

I don’t ride Haakon at the moment, so Bimble is a good substitute though his trot is a killer on my back.  I do not encourage this and I am suffering today.

Anywho, Happy Mothering Sunday to all mothers.   It was a good day – I even cleaned my tack and mended a rug.  Does that count as luxurious clothing?

Off to drink my therapeutic gin.

5 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day

  1. Margaret Robinson

    Well, If you drink enough Gin cleaning tack and mending a rug should count for something! Have a truly lovely (or hope you had) Mothering Sunday!

  2. Terri

    Happy Mother’s Day to the best mother of…let’s see…how many? Sounds perfect! (Across the pond, we have to wait till May.) Cheers!

  3. Sam

    Cleaning tack and mending rugs count only if you WANTED to them and did not need to do so.
    Hope the gin and chocolates went well with dinner. Love the sleeping Bimble. Lambie can sulk all he wants. This was YOUR day and not Lambie Day.


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